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Saturday, August 24, 2019




THESE days, children are much more attracted towards electronic gadgets and spend maximum
of their time with their mobile phone, computers or laptops. Earlier, home cooked food especially by mother was lifeline of children. Today internet connection is something without which youngsters cannot imagine their existence. There was a time when children waited for the evening
to talk to their fathers and mothers and tell them about the whole day but now the age of 'secrets' have come. It has changed the way of upbringing.
The pluses of the Internet
  1. You can get a lot of information. To get this information, you just need to type some key words in the address line and you will get everything you wish. You can watch different films and videos just sitting at home and doing nothing.
  2. It will help you to find a lot of information for your education. You can find the needed essays in the internet on the different themes.
  3. The internet is the place, where it is possible to show your own thoughts, to give the advices or to get them.
  4. If you wish to create your own site, the internet will help you to do it. You can create your site in a few clicks and it will take only a few minutes.
  5. You can download different melodies, videos, files and documents from the internet.
  6. It is possible to find your old friends or to get the new ones. You have the opportunity to communicate with the huge number of people in the internet.
  7. You can save your time while making shopping online. The internet gives the opportunity to check the different models, colors and to order what you want.
  8. It is possible to communicate in the internet with different people. There are a lot of programs, which will help you to do it.
  9. You can develop yourself using the internet. It is possible to find online courses or trainings, which will help you in your life.
  10. You can find some interesting hobby using the internet. It is possible to find a lot of people, that are doing the same and you can exchange your thoughts with some peoples.
  11. The main point of the internet is the fact, that you can earn money there. It is possible to work at home, you just need to have the computer and the access to the internet and you will have the opportunity to earn money.
  12. It is possible to exchange the information with your friends and relatives in a few seconds. You can send a lot of photos, messages and videos and you can be sure, that it will be sent immediately.
  13. Also, there are a lot of programs in the internet like Skype, for example, which gives you the opportunity to see the people and to communicate with them.
As you can see, there are a lot of pluses and minuses of the internet. But if you use it only for your need, it will not be dangerous for you. You just need to understand, that you have the real life and it is impossible to live only in the virtual reality.
It has affected the bond of parents and children. A virtual world of social media has become reality for children but real bond with parents is neglected by them in many ways. Children usually have a misconception that everything related to this world is available on the internet and that parent's guidance and motivation is of no use for them whereas the reality is, internet cannot give them that thing which only parents can give -- love, value, blessings etc. Misuse of Internet can demoralize and dehumanize children and can deflect them from the
right path which is unacceptable for any parent who really want their children to be civilized.

Nowadays, the internet is the fastest way to search some information. You should notice, that it is possible to spend even more than one hour on the internet when you just wanted to see something for 5 minutes. So, how not to become the victim of the internet?
Social media has become an easy mode to keep up with the latest trends, our favourite artists and also to stay up to date with what our peers are doing. It also provides an
opportunity for teens to connect with others who share similar interests. It also provides them with a variety of ways to go about making positive changes.The minuses of the Internet
  1. There is the huge number of different negative information. It is possible to name the different games, which are like a virus, that can create the internet addiction. There are a lot of information about this fact in different newspapers and magazines. If you wish to avoid the internet addiction, you should ask yourself these simple questions:
  • Why do I turn on the computer?
  • What do I want to get there?
  • How much time do I need to spend in the internet?
  • Where I should find the information? Which sites should I use?

Although there are many advantages of social media,the negative effects on children are also numerous. It can affect the mental health of children. Their level of
contentment can decrease as well. Many forms of cyber bullying are also a problem.

There is also another side to the story. If used properly parents can utilize internet in the upbringing of their children in many ways. They can learn online many tips and tricks to handle the mood swings of children at teenage level. They can also seek help from online counsellors who can guide the parents how to teach children in fun way thus making the learning process an enjoyable experience. These are only some advantages listed. There are many other ways in which internet can
be utilized effectively by parents for the effective upbringing of their children. If handled properly, IT applications can have many advantages that can make future of parents and children bright. But, if not used properly it may ruin the basic ethical and moral values in children as well.

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