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Thursday, August 22, 2019

ESSAY ON kaleidoscopic innovation for life

ESSAY ON kaleidoscopic

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Changing trends in our life including education is benefitting the growing children studying in schools across. It not only makes the study more creative but also encourages the innovation in different areas of learning. Now the scene is changing year to year: Some of these new trends are: integrating the creativity - There has been shift from learning a subject as an insular to learning it with useful connections with their real life and real world. The children see their subject are co-related even when they are drawing pictures, cooking food and playing music. Next trend is making it more interactive
Children's learning process should be very interesting, fun and less frightening. Hands on activities help the children to learn difficult concepts and become a bridge to abstract thinking. It also encourages team work which helps them to solve their problems in their own ways. Further using digital tools - New technology has become pervasive in our class rooms. Using digital tools for a project is no longer a dream but just a norm. It provides an opportunity to the children to enhance their creativity. With right decisions they find why and how to use a digital tool to fulfill their requirements for educational curriculum.Parent involvement- inpresent scenario parents' involvement in children education as a support in school during different co-curricular activities and at home to create conditions in which they learn more effectively is must. Parent encouragement can affect
the child's attitude towards school, classroom conduct, self-esteem and motivation. So, it is necessary to develop positive thinking in children along with the new development
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Everyone wants something new every time, which is progressive and we could also try to do that. When one uses ideas, makes creative connections, the mind is playful. One is away from habitual thinking. Here comes what we call kaleidoscopic thinking. It's a culmination of reasoning ability and imagination.
Now the question is do we really utilize the opportunities that we are provided with? Yes, many of you may or many may not. But that's not at all a big problem because someone
said yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not come yet, so we
only have today so Let's Begin. For example, 'The thought of the day' is not just a dail
routine line written on the school board or said in the assembly. These thoughts trigger our thinking process, they inspire us and give us hope that we can do better: One should
apply these thoughts in our life. Thoughts are not just one
sentence but it is what changes our attitude. With the new day, comes new thoughts and new hopes. We think t can do this today....this is a new thinking and this new thinking is a new hope.Thus a kaleidoscopic innovation for a successful life.

In life's most hectic moments, I find myself yearning for peace, yearning for quiet and rest. In those moments I value the gift of being able to sit down God and give him all of my fears, hopes
and mistakes. Have you ever played with a Kaleidoscope? They are tubes from all different kinds of materials and inside of them are mirrors that reflect off pieces of glass, plastic or whatever else is put in them. Now,I want you to look as your soul and imagine it as the colourful pieces oflight that reflects off in the Kaleidoscope. When all the parts work together correctly, a beautiful image is created. Reflection has many definitions - returning of rays, reverting of mind or even the result of meditation.


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