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BST (Business Studies) Worksheets, Important Questions chapter wise Class 12

Class 12 Business Studies Worksheets, Important Questions chapter wise

Important questions for board exams

-CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Sample Paper 2020: Download PDF!


Question 1. Which is not a function of management of the following?
(a) Planning
(b) Staffing
(c) Co-operating
(d) Controlling
Question 2. Management

(a)an art                        (b) a science
(c) Both art and science
(d) Neither
Question 3 How does coordination integrate group efforts? State briefly.
Question 4. Policy formulation is the function of
(a) top level managers
(b) middle level managers
(c) operational management
(d) All of these
Question 5. Co-ordination is
(a) function of management
(b) the essence of management
(c) an objective of management
(d) None of these
Question 6. Define management.
Question 7. Name any two important characteristics of management.
Question 8 ‘Management provides judgement and vision.’ Explain.
Question 9. Ritu is the manager of the Northern division of a large corporate house. At what level does she work in the organisation? What are her basic functions?
Question 10. Why is management considered a multi-faceted concept?
Question 11. Discuss the basic features of management as a profession.
Question 12. Management is considered to be both an art and science. Explain.
Question13. Do you think management has the characteristics of a full fledged profession?
Question 14. Co-ordination is the essence of management. Do you agree? Give reasons.

Question 15.  “A successful enterprise has to achieve its goals effectively and efficiently:’ Explain.

Question 16. Management is a series of continuous inter-related functions. Comment.

Question 17.Explain the features of management that do not establish it as a profession.

Case Problems
Question 1. Company X is facing a lot of problems these days. It manufactures white goods like washing machines, micro-waves, refrigerators and air conditioners. The company’s margins are under pressure and the profits and market share are declining. The production department blames marketing for not meeting sales targets and marketing blames production department for producing goods, which are not of good quality meeting customers expectations. The finance department blames both production and marketing for declining return on investment and bad marketing.
Question :  What quality of management do you think the company is lacking? Explain briefly. What steps should the company management take to bring the company back on track?
Question :  What decisions/steps should each level of management take to give effect to this decision?

Question 2:
kiran Enterprises decides to have a meeting of all the key employees of different departments in the organisation. The main motive is to tell the employees to keep the target of 20% increase in sales as the main objective when they work throughout the year. The meeting is full of ideas regarding the employees and processes involved. Various plans are made to harness the potential of the employees and streamline the processes. However with the passage of a few days the external business environment checks the capability of the organisation to adapt to the situations. The company successfully comes out at the end of the year with flying colours.
What are the various characteristics of management you can find highlighted here? Also identify the lines in which these characteristics have been highlighted.

Question 3:
XYZ Ltd. is a management oriented company. Time and again all the employees learn from their seniors various ways of dealing with diverse situations. They are provided training whenever required. They are also given incentives both financial as well as non financial. The result is employees see their development in the organisation. The organisation tries to behave as a responsible constituent of society and ahvays creates good quality products. It has a very good image in the market. The training modules are superb and the employees always try to find unique ways of providing solutions in the context of rapidly changing business environment. This has helped the organisation to adjust frequently in a very good manner.
Which importance of management is highlighted here? Also identify the lines.

Question 4:
Panwar Inc. is a company which deals with providing car service at home and on road. There are different departments in this company like Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, Research & Development and Operations. The top management of the company tries its level best to synchronize the activities of different departments in the best possible manner. The result is the increased efficiency and attainment of goals. However with the passing of time the size of the company has grown and now there are many branches of this company. The synchronization has turned more important with the increase in the size of the company and the number of employees. The Departmental Heads cf the company are specialists in their respective areas and the top management tries to work with them not with authority but by respecting their views on the subject. Their ego clashes are avoided to ensure smooth functioning of the organisation.
Identify the concept of management highlighted above. Write two benefits highlighted in the above paragraph of this concept.

Question 5:
SHARUKH KHAN Inc. decided to go for perfect coordination in the various aspects of the company. They focus on synchronization of all the activities of the organisation. For this they know coordination will be the key. At the stage of thinking of what is to be done throughout the year they decide to take into consideration the harmony between the goals of the organisation and those of the individual departments. When they hire employees they pay them only after evaluating their worth in terms of how efficient they are. Finally when the last month of production comes they, time and again check the deviation between the set targets and the actual production done.
In the above paragraph the main focus is on coordination. However various functions of management also come into picture. You have to identify the three functions of management highlighted above in which coordination can be seen.

Question 6:
BENGALI Ltd. believes in coordination among departments and activities. The company relies heavily on professional coordination. For this the company takes steps throughout the year. Coordination is kept in mind by all the managers regardless of the level they are working at. Throughout the year the various activities are synchronized without failure. Every department ensures that within it every employee and operation is guided by the theme of proper coordination. Whenever an employee takes an action he consults others, whenever needed, thus properly contributing to his team. The process of coordination is just not limited to the employees. Even at the departmental level the various departments use this binding force to create perfect harmony among them so that the organisational goals can be fulfilled. All the coordination that occurs in the organisation is a result of proper training and premeditated attempts by the company to get the best results possible. .
The above case represents all the characteristics of coordination. Identify the lines which represent them and also name the characteristics.
Question 7:
Dheeraj, Neeraj and Suraj are three friends. They work in the same company. They are managers but they belong to three different levels of management. Every day they meet and discuss their work with each other. One day they were having a conversation.
Dheeraj said, “These days I am having a lot of problems motivating the people at Shop Floor. I have decided to purchase two new machines. I know I will have to set an example by being the best leader.”
Neeraj said, “I am having problem with knowing the exact requirement of people in my department. Different polices have to be informed to the employees so that they become aware of our company’s goals. I also have to coordinate with other departmental heads to know their requirements.”
Suraj said, “I have to decide for long term. I know I will be ultimately responsible for every activity. All the policies and strategies require a lot of planning before formulation.”
In the above case identify the different levels of management these three friends belong to.




Question 1. Principles of management are not
(a) universal
(b) flexible
(c) absolute
(d) behavioural

Question 2. How are principles of management formed?
(a) In a laboratory
(b) By experiences of managers
(c) By experiences of customers
(d) By propagation of social scientists
Question 3. The principles of management are significant because of
(a) increase in efficiency
(b) initiative
(c) optimum utilization of resources
(d) adaptation to changing technology
Question 4. Henry Fayol was a
(a) social scientist
(b) mining engineer
(c) accountant
(d) production engineer

Question 5. Which of the following statement best describes the principle of ‘Division of Work’?
(a) Work should be divided into small tasks
(b) Labour should be divided
(c) Resources should be divided among jobs
(d) It leads to specialisation
Question 6. ‘She/He keeps machines, materials, tools etc ready for operations by concerned workers’. Whose work is described by this sentence under functional foremanship?
(a) Instruction card clerk
(b) Repair boss
(c) Gang boss
(d) Route clerk
Question 7. Which of the following is not a Principle of management given by Taylor?
(a) Science, not rule of the thumb
(b) Functional foremanship
(c) Maximum not restricted output
(d) Harmony not discord
Question 8. Management should find ‘One best way’ to perform a task. Which technique of scientific management is defined in this sentence?
(a) Time study
(b) Motion study
(c) Fatigue study
(d) Method study
Question 9. Which of the following statements best describes ‘Mental Revolution’?
(a) It implies change of attitude
(b) The management and workers should not play the game of one upmanship
(c) Both management and workers require each other
(d) Workers should be pain more wages
Question 10. Which of the following statements is false about Taylor and Fayol?
(a) Fayol was a mining engineer whereas Taylor was a mechanical engineer
(b) Fayol’s principles are applicable in specialised situations whereas Taylor’s principles have universal application
(c) Fayol’s principles were formed through personal experience whereas Taylor’s principles were formed through experimentation
(d) Fayol’s principles are applicable at the top level of management whereas Taylor’s principles are applicable at the shop floor
Question 11. How is the Principle of ‘Unity of Command’ useful to management? Explain briefly.
Question 12. Define scientific management. State any three of its principles.

Question 13. If an organisation does not provide the right place for physical and human resources in an organisation, which principle is violated? What are the consequences of it?
Question 14. Explain any four points regarding significance of Principles of management.

Question 15. Explain the principle of ‘Scalar Chain’ and gang plank.

Question 16. Explain the principles of scientific management given by Taylor.

Question 17. Explain the following principles of management by Fayol with examples.
(a) Unity of direction
(b) Equity
(c) Espirit de Corps
(d) Order
(e) Centralisation and decentralisation
(f) Initiative

Question 18. Explain the technique of ‘Functional Foremanship’ and the concept of ‘Mental Revolution’ as enunciated by Taylor.
Question 19. Discuss the following techniques of scientific work study
(a) Time study
(b) Motion study(c) Fatigue study(d) Method study
(e) Simplification and standardisation of work

Question 20. Discuss the differences between the contributions of Taylor and Fayol.

Question 21. Discuss the relevance of Taylor and Fayol’s contribution in the contemporary business environment.

Case Problems
QUESTION 1. ‘F’ limited was engaged in the business of food processing and selling its products under a popular brand. Lately the business was expanding due to good quality and reasonable prices. Also with more people working the market for processed food was increasing. New players were also corning to cash in on the new trend. In order to keep its market share in the short run the company directed its existing workforce to work overtime.
But this resulted in many problems. Due to increased pressure of work, the efficiency of the workers declined. Sometimes the subordinates had to work for more than one superior resulting in declining efficiency. The divisions that were previously working on one product were also made to work on two or more products. This resulted in a lot of overlapping and wastage. The workers were becoming undisciplined. The spirit of teamwork, which had characterised the company, previously was beginning to wane. Workers were feeling cheated and initiative was declining. The quality of the products was beginning to decline and market share was on the verge of decrease.
Actually the company had implemented changes without creating the required infrastructure.
Question 1. Identify the principle of management (out of 14 given by Henry Fayol) that were being violated by the company.

Question 2. Explain these principles in brief.

Question 3. What steps should the company management take in relation to the above principles to restore the company to its past glory?

Question 4. Do you think that introduction of scientific management as recommended by M consultants will result in intended outcome.

Question 5. What precautions should the company undertake to implement the changes?
Give your enunciated answer with regard to each technique in points 1 through 6 in the case problem.
Question 2. Sanchit, after completing his entrepreneurship course from Sweden returned to India and started a coffee shop ‘AromaCoffeeCan’ in a famous mall in New Delhi. The speciality of the coffee ship was the special aroma of coffee and a wide variety of flavours to choose from. Somehow, the business was neither profitable nor popular. Sanchit was keen to find out the reason. He appointed Sandhya, an MBA from a reputed college, as a Manager to find out the causes for the same.
Sandhya took feedback from the clients and found out that though they loved the special unique aroma of coffee but were not happy with the long waiting time being taken to process the order. She analysed and found out that there were many unnecessary obstructions in between which could be eliminated. She fixed a standard time for processing the order.
She also realised that there were some flavours whose demand was not enough. So, she also decided to stop the sale of such flavours. As a result with in a short period Sandhya was able to attract the customers.
Identify and explain any two techniques of scientific management used by Sandhya to solve the problem. 

Question 3.
Nutan Tiffin Box service was started in Mumbai by the Mumbai Dabbawalas. The Dabbawalas who are the soul of entire Mumbai aim to provide prompt and efficient services by providing tasty homemade tiffin to all office goers at the right time and place. The service is uninterrupted even on the days of bad weather, political unrest and social disturbances. Recently, they have started online booking system through their website ‘mydabbawala.com’. Owing to their tremendous popularity amongst the happy and satisfied customers and members, the Dabbawalas were invited as guest lecturer by top business schools. The Dabbawalas operate in a group of 25-30 people alongwith a group leader. Each group teams up with other groups in order to deliver the tiffins on time. They are not transferred on frequent basis as they have to remember the addresses of their customers. They follow certain rules while doing trade—no alcohol during working hours; no leaves without permission; wearing white caps and carrying ID cards during business hours.
Recently, on the suggestion of a few self-motivated fellow men, the dabbawalas thought out and executed a plan of providing food left in tiffins by customers to slum children. They have instructed their customers to place red sticker if food is left in the tiffin, to be fed to poor children later.
1.    State any one principle of management given by Fayol and one characteristic of management mentioned in the above case.
2.    Give any two values which the Dabbawalas want to communicated to society

Question 4.
‘Aapka Vidyalaya’ believes in the holistic development of students and encourages team building through a mix of curricular, co-curricular and sports activities. On its Founder’s Day, a stage performance had to be put up. A committee of ten prefects was constituted to plan different aspects of the function. They all decided to use recycled paper for decoration. There was a spirit of unity and harmony and all the members supported each other. With mutual trust and a sense of belonging, the programme was systematically planned and executed. Kartik, one of the prefects, realised that the group had unknowingly applied one of the principles of management while planning and executing the programme. He was so inspired by the success of this function that he asked his father to apply the same principle in his business. His father replied that he was already using this principle.
1.    Identify the principle of management applied for the success of the programme.
2.    State any two features of management highlighted in the above paragraph.

3.    Identify any two values which ‘Aapka Vidyalaya’ communicated to society.


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Question 1
What is Business Environment?
Question 2
How can a firm cope up with the varying technical environment?
Question 3
Explain how does the understanding of business environment help the management in the following:
  1. Tapping useful resources
  2. Coping with rapid changes
Question 4
What is the role of the political environment in shaping the business?

Question 5
What are the benefits of understanding the business environment?

Question 6
‘The social environment of business is important for a business enterprise.’ Explain.

Question 7. Which of the following does not characterise the business environment?
(a) Uncertainty
(b) Employees
(c) Relativity
(d) Complexity
Question 8. Which of the following best indicates the importance of business environment?
(a) Identification
(b) Improvement in performance
(c) Coping with rapid changes
(d) All of these

Question 9. Which of the following is an example of social environment?
(a) Money supply in the economy
(b) Consumer Protection Act
(c) The Constitution of the country
(d) Composition of family

Question 10. Liberalisation means
(a) integrating among economies
(b) reduced Government controls and restrictions
(c) policy of planned disinvestments
(d) None of the above
Question 11. Which of the following does not explain the impact of Government policy changes on business and industry?
(a) More demanding customers
(b) Increasing competition
(c) Change in agricultural prices
(d) Market orientation

Question 12. What do you understand by business environment?

Question13. Why it is important for business enterprises to understand their environment? Explain briefly.

Question 14. Mention environment the various dimensions of business environment.

Question 15. Briefly explain the following
(a) Liberalisation
(b) Privatisation
(c) Globalisation
Question 16. Briefly discuss the impact of Government policy changes on business and industry.

Question 17. How would you characterise business environment? Explain with examples, the difference between general and specific environment.

Question 18. How would you argue that the success of a business enterprise is significantly influenced by its environment?

Question 19. Explain with examples, the various dimensions of business environment.

Question 20. What economic changes were initiated by the Government under the Industrial Policy, 1991? What impact have these changes made on business and industry?

Question 21. What are the essential features of
(a) Liberalisation
(b) Privatisation
(c) Globalisation
Case Problem
22.Lately many companies have planned for significant investment in organised retailing in India. Several factors have prompted their decision in this regard.
Customers income is rising. People have developed a taste for better quality products even though they may have to pay more. The aspiration levels have increased. The government has also liberalised its economic policies in this regard and permitted even cent per cent foreign direct investment in some sectors of retailing.
Question 1. Identify changes in business environment under different heads – economic, social, technological, political and legal that have facilitated the companies decisions to plan significant invstments in organised retailing.
Question 2. What has been the impact of these changes with regard to globalisation and privatisation?

Question 2:
Metlapp Networks and Technologies Ltd. is a leader in technology innovation in the United States, creating products and solutions for connecting the world. It has,, a large research and development team which invented the first smart watch, named as W-7. The watch besides showing the time, also monitors few health parameters like heart beat, blood pressure etc.
While in search of markets abroad, the company found that in India, the reform process was underway with the aim of accelerating the pace of economic growth. The company decided to take advantage of simplified export procedure and removal of quantitative as well as tariff restrictions in India.
It set up its office in Jamnagar with a view to capture the Indian market. In a short span of time, the company emerged as a market leader. Success of the company attracted many other players to enter the market. Competition resulted in reduction in prices, thereby benefiting the customers.
1.    In the above paragraph, two major concepts related to government policy have been discussed. Identify and explain these concepts.
2.    Also, explain briefly any three impacts of these concepts on Indian business and industry.
Question 3:
Naman and Govind after finishing their graduation under vocational stream decided to start their own travel agency which will book Rail Tickets and Air Tickets on commission basis. They also thought of providing tickets within ten minutes through the use of internet. They discussed the idea with their Professor Mr. Mehta who liked the idea and suggested them to first analyse the business environment which consists of investors’, competitors and other forces like social, political etc. that may affect their business directly or indirectly. He further told them about the technological improvements and shifts in consumer preferences that were taking place and hence they should be aware of the environmental trends and changes which may hinder their business performance. He emphasised on making plans keeping in mind the threat posed by the competitors, so that they can deal with the situation effectively. This alignment of business operations with the business environment will result in better performance.
1.    Identify and state the component of business environment highlighted in the above
2.    State any two features of business environment as discussed by Professor Mehta with Naman and Govind.
3.    Also state two points of importance of business environment as stated by Professor Mehta in the above situation.
Question 4:
With changes in the consumption habits of people, Neelesh, who was running a sweet shop, shifted to the chocolate business. On the eve of Diwali, he offered chocolates in attractive packages at reasonable prices. He anticipated huge demand and created a website chocolove. com for taking orders online. He got a lot of orders online and earned huge profits by selling the chocolate.
Identify and explain the dimensions of business environment discussed in the above case.

Question 5:
A recent rate cut in the interest on loans announced by the banks encouraged Amit, a science student of Progressive School, to take a loan from State Bank of India to experiment and develop cars to be powered by fuel produced from garbage. He developed such a car and
exhibited it in the Science Fair organised by the Directorate of Education. He was awarded the first prize for his invention.
Identify and explain the dimensions of business environment discussed in the above case.





QUESTION 1 state how planning leads to rigidity?

question 2 state how planning reduce creativity ?

Question 3 planning always leads to success ? DO you agree ?give reasons to support your answer?

Question 4 list any two limitation of planning?


Question 6. What are the main points in the definition of planning?

 Question 7. How does planning provide direction?

.Question 8. Do you think planning can work in a changing environment?

Question 9. If planning involves working out details for the future, why does it not ensure success?

Question 10. Why are rules considered to be plans?

Question 11. What kind of strategic decisions are taken by business organisations?

Question 12. Why is it that organisations are not always able to accomplish all their objectives?

Question 13. What are the main features to be considered by management while planning?

 Question 14. What are the steps taken by management in the planning process?

Question 15. Is planning actually worth the huge costs involved? Explain.

 Case Problem
16. An auto company C Ltd is facing a problem of declining market share due to increased competition from other new and existing players in the maket. Its competitiors are introducing lower priced models for mass consumers who are price sensitive. For quality conscious consumers, the company is
Question 1. Prepare a model business plan for C Ltd to meet the existing challenge. You need to be very specific about quantitative parameters. You may specify which type of plan you are preparing.

Question 2. Identify the limitations of such plans.

Question 3. How will you seek to remove these limitations?

Question 17.
Super Fine Rice Ltd. has the largest share of 55% in the market. The company’s policy is to sell only for cash. In 2015, for the first time company’s number one position in the industry has been threatened because other companies started selling rice on credit* also. But the managers of Super Fine Rice Ltd. continued to rely on it’s previously tried and tested successful plans which didn”t work because the environment is not static. This led to decline in sales of Super Fine Rice Ltd. The above situation is indicating two limitations of planning which led to decline in it sales.
Identify these limitations. 
Question 18.

State the main aspects in the concept of planning.

Question 19.

Laxmi Chemicals Ltd., a soap manufacturing company, wanted to increase its market share from 30% to 55% in the long-run. A recent report submitted by the Research & Development Department of the company had predicted a growing trend of herbal and organic products. On the basis of this report, the company decided to diversify into new variety of soaps with natural ingredients having benefits and fragrances of Jasmine, Rose, Lavender, Mogra, Lemon Grass, Green Apple, Strawberry etc. The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) was to promote eco-friendly living in the contemporary life style. The company decided to allocate t 30 crores to achieve the objective.
Identify the type of one of the functions of management mentioned above which will help the company to acquire dominant position in the market. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016)

Question 20.

Suhasini, a home science graduate from a reputed college, has recently done a cookery course. She wished to start her own venture with a goal to provide ‘health food’ at reasonable prices. She discussed her idea with her teacher (mentor) who encouraged her. After analysing various options for starting her business venture, they short listed the option to sell ready made and ‘ready to make’ vegetable shakes and sattu milk shakes. Then, they weighed the pros and cons of both the short listed options.
1.    Name the function of management being discussed above and give any one of its characteristics.
2.    Also briefly discuss any three limitations of the function discussed in the case. 
Question 21.

Two years ago, Madhu completed her degree in food technology. She worked for sometime in a company that manufactured chutneys, pickles and murabbas. She was not happy in the company and decided to have her own organic food processing unit for the same. She set the objectives and the targets and formulated an action plan to achieve the same.
One of her objectives was to earn 10% profit on the amount invested in the first year. It was decided that raw materials like fruits, vegetables, spices, etc. will be purchased on three months credit from farmers cultivating only organic crops. She also decided to follow the steps required for marketing of the products through her own outlets. She appointed Mohan as the Production Manager who decided the exact manner in which the production activities were to be carried out. Mohan also prepared a statement showing the number of workers that will be required in the factory throughout the year. Madhu informed Mohan about her area wise sales target for different products for the forthcoming quarter. While working on the production table, a penalty of ? 100 per day for not wearing caps, gloves and apron was announced.
Quoting lines from the above paragraph, identify and explain the different types of plans discussed.)

Question 22.

Two years ago, Mayank obtained a degree in food technology. For some time, he worked in a company that manufactured bread and biscuits. He was not happy in the company and decided to have his own bread and biscuits manufacturing unit. For this, he decided the objectives and the targets, and formulated an action plan to achieve the same.
One of his objectives was to earn 50% profits on the amount invested in the first year. It was decided that raw materials like flour, sugar, salt, etc. will be purchased on two months credit. He also decided to follow the steps required for marketing the products through his own outlets. He appointed Harsh as the Production Manager who decided the exact manner in which the production activities were to be carried out. Harsh also prepared a statement showing the requirement of workers in the factory throughout the year. Mayank informed Harsh about his are a wise sales target for different products, for the forthcoming quarter. While working on the production table, a penalty of ?150 per day was announced for not wearing the helmet, gloves and apron by the workers.
Quoting lines from the above paragraph, identify and explain the different types of plans discussed. (CBSE, OD 2016)

Question 23.

Rahul, a worker, is given a target of assembling two computers per day. Due to his habit of doing things differently, an idea struck him which would not only reduce the assembling time of computers but would also reduce the cost of production of the computers. Instead of appreciating him, Rahul’s supervisor ordered him to complete the work as per the methods and techniques decided earlier as nothing could be changed at that stage. The above paragraph describes one of the limitations of the planning function of management. Name and explain that limitation.

Question 24 .
Josh Ltd. is a one of the largest two-wheeler manufacturer in India. It has a market share of about 42% in the two-wheeler category. The company had witnessed almost a 35% drop in the booking as the currency crunch was prompting people to withhold new purchases due to demonetisation. Therefore, the production manager of the company had decided to align production to factor in slower sales in the market.
In context of the above case:
1.    Identify and explain the function of management being discussed in the above lines.
2.    Which limitations of the function of management as identified in part (a) of the question was the production manager trying to overcome due to demonetisation?
Question 25.
The term demonetisation has become a household name since the government pulled the old Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 notes out of circulation in November 2016. Prior to the year 2016, the Indian government had demonetised bank notes on two prior occasions—once in the year 1946 and then again in the year 1978. In both cases, the purpose was to combat tax evasion by ‘black money’. Identify the types of one of the functions of management being discussed in the above lines.

Question 26.
The arrangement to demonetise the ? 500 and ?1000 bank notes began six to ten months prior to the public announcement and was kept highly confidential. The cabinet was informed about the demonetisation on 8th November 2016 in a meeting called by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. This was followed by Modi’s public announcement about the demonetisation in a televised address where he announced that currency notes with the denomination of ? 500 and ? 1000 would cease to be the legal tender from 9th of November 2016. The most interesting thing regarding the demonetisation is that people were devising various unique ways for transforming their black money in to white one by depositing money in the accounts of their poor relatives and friends, converting black money in to gold, paying a few months salaries in advance and so on.
In context of the above case:
Identify and explain the types of plans being discussed in the above lines with regard to demonetisation.

Question 27.
Flipkart is an e-commerce company founded in the year 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal. The company is registered in Singapore, but has its headquarters in Bangaluru, India. The company seeks to increase traffic (more clicks on their products) and boost sales and revenue through integration of Mobile Apps, Display, Pay Per Click and Search Engine Optimization. In order to dispel the fear of people related to shopping online, Flipkart was the first company to implement the popular ‘Cash on Delivery’ facility. All the products sold by the company under a particular category may have different return/replacement period. Flipkart allows multiple payment options such as cash on delivery, credit or debit card transactions, net banking, e-gift voucher and card swipe on delivery. The company operates both ways when an order is received. The products for which it holds inventory are dispatched by it directly. For the products they do not store in inventory, they just send the order received by them to the supplier who ships it. The company plans to spend about ? 75 crores on e-Commerce advertising in the year 2016. Flipkart reserves the right to terminate your membership and/or refuse to provide you with access to the website if it is brought to Flipkart’s notice or if it is discovered that you are under the age of 18 years. This is because as per the Indian Contract Act, 1872, the minors, un-discharged insolvents, etc. are not eligible to use the website.
In context of the above case, identify and explain the different types of plans being used by Flipkart by quoting lines from the paragraph.



Question 1. Which of the following is not an element of delegation?
(a) Accountability
(b) Authority
(c) Responsibility
(d) Informal organisation
Question 2. A network of social relationship that arise spontaneously due to interaction at work is called
(a) formal organisation
(b) informal organisation
(c) decentralisation
(d) delegation
Question 3. Which of the following does not follow the scalar chain?
(a)   Functional structure
(b) Divisional structure(c) Formal organisation
(d) Informal organization

Question 4. A tall structure has a
(a) narrow span of management
(b) wide span of management
(c) no span of management
(d) less levels of management
Answer (a) A tall structure has a narrow span of management.
Question 5. Centralisation refers to
(a) retention of decision making authority
(b) dispersal of decision making authority
(c) creating divisions as profit centres
(d) opening new centres or branches

Question 6. For delegation to be effective, it is essential that responsibility be accompanied with necessary
(a) authority
(b) manpower
(c) incentives
(d) promotions
Question 7. Span of management refers to
(a) number of managers
(b) length of term for which a manager is appointed
(c) number of subordinates under a superior
(d) number of members in top management
Question 8. The form of organisation known for giving rise to rumours is called
(a) centralised organisation
(b) decentralised organisation
(c) informal organisation
(d) formal organisation
Question 9. Grouping of activities on the basis of product lines is a part of
(a) delegated organisation
(b) divisional organisation
(c) functional organisation
(d) autonomous organisation
Question 10. Grouping of activities on the basis of functions is a part of
(a) decentralised organisation
(b) divisional organisation
(c) functional organisation
(d) centralised organisation

Question 11. Define ‘Organising’?

Question 12. What are the steps in the process of organising?

Question 13. Discuss the elements of delegation.

Question 14. What does the term ‘Span of management’ refer to?

Question 15. Under what circumstances would functional structure prove to be an appropriate choice?

Question 16. Draw a diagram depicting a divisional structure.

Question 17. Can a large sized organisation be totally centralised or decentralised? Give your opinion.

Question 18. Decentralisation is extending delegation to the lowest level. Comment.

Question 19. Why is delegation considered essential for effective organising?
Question 20. What is a divisional structure? Discuss its advantages and limitations.

Question 21. Decentralisation is an optional policy. Explain why an organisation would choose to be decentralised.

Question 22. How does informal organisation support the formal organisation?

Question 23. Distinguish between centralisation and decentralisation.

Question 24. How is a functional structure different from a divisional structure?


Application Type Questions
Question 1. Neha runs a factory wherein she manufactures shoes. The business has been doing well and she intends to expand by diversifying into leather bags as well as Western formal wear, thereby making her company a complete provider of corporate wear. This will enable her to market her business unit as the one stop for working women. Which type of structure would you recommend for her expanded organisation and why?
Question 2. The production manager asked the foreman to achieve a target production of 200 units per day, but he doesn’t give him the authority to requisition tools and materials from the stores department. Can the production manager blame the foreman if he is not able to achieve the desired target? Give Reasons.

Question 3. A manager enhances the production target from 500 units to 700 units per month, but the authority to draw raw material was not given by him. The production manager could not achieve the revised production target. Who is responsible and which principle was violated?

Question 4. A company has its registered office in Delhi, manufacturing unit at Gurgaon and marketing and sales department at Faridabad. The company manufactures the consumer products. Which type of organisational structure should it adopt to achieve its target?

5. A company, which manufactures a popular brand of toys, has been enjoying good market reputation. It has a functional organisational structure with separate departments for production, marketing, finance, human resources and research and development.
Lately to use its brand name and also to cash on to new business opportunities it is thinking to diversify into manufacture of new range of electronic toys for which a new market is emerging.
Question Prepare a report regarding organisation structure giving concrete reasons with regard to benefits the company will derive from the steps it should take.

.6 A company manufacturing sewing machines set up n 1945 by the British promoters follows formal organisation culture in totality. It is facing lot of problems in delays in decision making. As the result it is not able to adapt to changing business environment. The work force is also not motivated since they cannot vent their grievances except through formal channels, which involve red tape. Employee turnover is high. Its market share is also declining due to changed circumstances and business environment.
Question You are to advise the company with regard to change it should bring about its organisation structure to overcome the problems faced by it. Give reasons in terms of benefits it will derive from the changes suggested by you. In which sectors can the company diversify, keeping in mind the declining market for the product the company is manufacturing?

7. A company X limited manufacturing comsetics, which has enjoyed a pre-eminent position in business, has grown in size. Its business was very good till 1991. But after that, new liberalised environment has seen entry of many MNC’s in the sector.
With the result the market share of X limited has declined. The company had followed a very centralised business model with directors and divisional heads making even minor decisions. Before 1991, this business model had served the company very well as consumers has no choice. But now the company is under pressure to reform.
Question What organisation structure changes should the company bring about in order to retain its market share? How will the changes suggested by you help the firm? Keep in mind that the sector in which the company is FMCG.

Question 8.
Ramdas, aged 49 is working in an aviation company. He is the senior most employee in his division. He is even senior to the division manager, Kanaputti. Ramdas is considered one of the most committed, capable and hard-working employees. As a result of his abilities and seniority, he generally received the work assignments of his choice. Although there was no formal designation of various „special’ projects assigned to Ramdas, he handled them as a matter of routine. A problem developed when an able and intelligent person Nagarjuna, aged 33, was appointed by Kanaputti. Nagarjun’s previous three years’ experience in the closely related work, made it possible for him to catch on to the routine work of his new job more rapidly than was customary for a new employee. On several occasions, Kanaputti noticed the tension developing between the two employees. However, he didn’t want to get involved in their personal issues as long as the work was completed effectively and efficiently by them. One day, the tension between them reached the boiling point and Ramdas complained to
Kanaputti stating that his duties were being largely taken over by Nagarjun. Kanaputti issued the order stating the clear allocation of the jobs and related duties between the two. He further clarified the working relationship between them by specifying who was to report to whom. This helped in reducing the workload, enhancing productivity and removing ambiguity. (CBSE, Sample Paper, 2017)
1.    Identify and state the step of organizing process which has not been carried out properly and contributed to this problem.
2.    State the two steps of the organizing process which have been taken by Kanaputti to respond to the complaint of Ramdas.
3.    Also state two points of importance of organizing as reflected in the above case.
Question 9.
“Shan Spices Ltd.” are the manufacturer of different food specific spices like Rajmaa Masala, Cholley Masala, Aaloo Parantha Masala etc. Mr. Raghav, the owner of the company has created different departments for purchase, production, marketing, finance and human resource. There are thirty employees working in the organisation. Planning is of paramount importance to the company as Mr. Raghav believes that effective planning leads to achievement of organisational objectives. So in order to make employees focus on objectives, he issued instructions that during working hours only official matters will be discussed. He made certain rules and code of conduct for the employees to follow, according to which employees are not allowed to visit and talk to the employees of other departments except for official work. He emphasised on work performance which resulted in smooth functioning of the organisation.
1.    Identify and state the type of organisation mentioned in the above para.
2.    State one feature of the concept identified in part (a) as mentioned in the above para.
3.    What was the purpose behind the formulation of rules for the employees that restricted their personal communication with the employees of other departments?
4.    State two values violated by Mr. Raghav. 

 Question 1O.
Steelo Ltd. decided to set-up its steel manufacturing factory in the backward area of Orissa where very less job opportunities were available. People of that area welcomed this effort of Steelo Ltd. To attract people to work in its factory, it also decided to provide many other facilities like a school, hospital, market, etc. in the factory premises.
Steelo Ltd. started earning huge profits. Another competing company asked its production manager Aslam to investigate the reasons of earning huge profits by Steelo Ltd.
Aslam found that in both the companies, there was systematic coordination among the various activities to achieve the organisational goals. Every employee knew who was responsible and accountable to whom. The only difference was that in his organisation, communication took place only through the scalar chain whereas Steelo Ltd. was allowing the flow of communication in all the directions as per the requirement which led to faster spread of information as well as quick feedback.
1.    Identify the type of organisation which permits Steelo Ltd. the flow of communication in all the directions.
2.    State another advantage of the type of organisation identified in part (1) above.
3.    State any two values which Steelo Ltd. wanted to communicate to society.
Mr Car Ltd. decided to set-up its new car manufacturing factory in the backward area of West Bengal where very less job opportunities were available. People of that area welcomed this effort of Mr Car Ltd. The company also decided to provide facilities like a school, hospital, market, etc. in the factory premises so that the people are attracted to join the factory as workers.
Mr Car Ltd. started earning huge profits. Another competing company asked its production manager Arvind to investigate the reasons of earning huge profits by My Car Ltd.
Arvind found that in both the companies, there was systematic coordination among the various activities to achieve the organisational goals. Every employee knew who was responsible and accountable to whom. The only difference was that in his organisation, communication took place only through the scalar chain whereas My Car Ltd. was allowing the flow of communication in all the directions as per the requirement which led to faster spread of information as well as quick feedback.
1.    Identify the type of organisation which permits the flow of communication in all the directions in My Car Ltd.
2.    Also state an advantage of the type of organisation identified in part (1) above.
3.      State any two values which My Car Ltd. wants to communicate to the society. 





Question 1.
Why is ’employment interview’ conducted in the process of selection? 
Question 2.
Alpha Enterprises is a company manufacturing water geysers. The company has a functional structure with four main functions-Production, Marketing, Finance and Human Resource. As the demand for the product grew, the company decided to hire more employees.
Identify the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager in deciding the actual number of persons required in each department. .
Question 3.

Explain briefly ‘transfers’ and ‘promotions’ as internal sources of recruitment. 
Question 4.

Why is ‘Aptitude Test’ conducted in the process of selection?

Question 5.

Bhagwati Enterprises is a company engaged in the marketing of air-conditioners of a famous brand. The company has a functional structure with four main functions—Purchase, Sales, Finance and Staffing. As the demand for the product grew, the company decided to recruit more employees.
Idetify the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager to find out the number and type of personel availale so that he could decide and recruit the required number of persons for each department..
Question 6.

Explain briefly ‘Casual Callers’ and ‘Labour Contractors’ as external sources of recruitment.

Question 7.

Human Resource Management includes many specialized activities and duties which the human resource personnel must perform. In the light of this statement, explain any four such duties performed by Human Resource Manager. 
Question 8.

Resolutions Pvt. Ltd. is a publishing company. Its book on Business Studies for class XII is in great demand. As a result, the employees in the marketing department are always racing against time. The employees have to work overtime and on holidays to cater to the demand.
Managers in the marketing department are under stress as they have to handle more than two territories. The work stress has led to dissatisfaction among the employees and managers.
1.    Name and explain the step of staffing process which has not been performed properly.
2.    State the next two stages immediately following the step identified in part ‘a’.

Question 9.

Joseph Bros is a firm manufacturing jute lampshades. It uses leftover jute pieces from various jute factories to manufacture economical lampshades which are supplied to various hotels in nearby towns. It employs men and women from nearby villages as workers for creating good lampshade designs.
Joseph Bros, is not able to meet its targets. Namish, the supervisor of the company, was told to analyse the reasons for the poor performance. Namish found the following problems and suggested certain solutions in the working of the business. The number of workers employed was less than what was required for the work. As a result, the existing workers were overburdened. The firm decided to search for new workers and it asked the present employees to introduce candidates or recommend their friends and relatives to the firm. This enabled the firm to ‘put people to jobs’ and assured the attainment of objectives according to plans.
1.    Identify the functions of management being performed by the firm in the above situation.
2.    Name the concept and its source used by the firm to attract more workers for the firm.
3.    State any two values being followed by Jacob Bros. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016)
Question 10.

Aakansha, Nikita and Parishma are the owners of a handicraft unit in the urban area of Dibrugarh in Assam, which is involved in the manufacturing and marketing of Sital Pati, traditional mats and Jappi (the traditional headgear). They decided to shift this manufacturing unit to a rural area with an objective of reducing the cost and providing job opportunities to the locals.
They followed the functional structure in this organisation with a view to increasing managerial and operational efficiency.
They assessed and analysed the type and number of employees required, keeping in mind that they had to encourage the women and the people with special needs belonging to the rural area.
State the next three steps that they will have to undertake for obtaining a satisfied workforce for their handicraft unit.

Question 11.

Mrs. Rajlaxmi is working as the Human Resource Consultant in a firm that manufactures cosmetics, which is facing a problem of high employee turnover. The CEO of the company has invited suggestion from her for retaining the talented employees and reducing the employee turnover. Mrs. Rajlaxmi recommends that the good employees be rewarded in a way that it creates a feeling of ownership among the employees and at the same time, makes them contribute towards the growth of the organisation.
1.    Identify the incentive and explain its type which has been suggested by Mrs. Rajlaxmi to the CEO of the company.
2.    Also explain any two other incentives of the same type. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016)
Question 12.

Ashish, the Marketing Head, Raman, the Assistant Manager and Jyoti, the Human Resource Manager of Senor Enterprises Ltd. decided to leave the company.
The Chief Executive Officer of the company called Jyoti, the Human Resource Manager and requested her to fill up the vacancies before leaving the organisation. Informing that her subordinate Miss Alka Pandit was very competent and trustworthy, Jyoti suggested that if she could be moved up in the hierarchy, she would do the needful. The Chief Executive Officer agreecs for the same. Miss Alka Pandit contacted Keith Recruiters who advertised for the post of marketing head for Senor Enterprises Ltd. They were able to recruit a suitable candidate for the company.
Raman’s vacancy was filled up by screening the database of unsolicited applications lying in the office.
1.    Name the internal/external sources of recruitment used by Senor Enterprises Ltd. to fill up the above stated vacancies.
2.    Also state any one merit of each of the above identified source of recruitment.

Question 13.

Zenith Ltd. is a highly reputed company and many people wanted to join this company. The employees of this organisation are very happy and they discuss how they came in contact with this organisation.
Aman said that he was introduced by the present Sales Manager, Mr. John.
Benu said that he had applied through the newspaper and was appointed as the H.R. Manager.
Vaibhav said that he was neither related to any employee of the organisation nor was there any advertisement in the newspaper, even then, he was directly called from IIM Ahmedabad from where he was about to complete his MBA.
1.    The above discussion is indicating an important function of management. Name the function of management.
2.    The management function identified in part (1) follows a particular process. Explain the step of this process which is being discussed in the above paragraph
Question 14.

Blue Heavens Ltd. purchased a new machinery from Germany for manufacturing some auto components. It was a cost-effective and quality production machine but during the production process, manager observed that the quality of the production was not as per standards. On investigation, it was found that there was lack of knowledge of using these hi-tech machines. So, frequent visits by engineers were required from Germany but this resulted in high overhead charges.
Suggest what can be done to develop the skills and abilities of employees for producing quality products by using these hi-tech machines. Also state how the employees or the organisation will be benefited by your suggestion. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2015)

Question 15.

The workers of Gargya Ltd. are unable to work on new computerised machines imported by the company to fulfill the increased demand. Therefore, the workers are seeking extra
guidance from the supervisor and the supervisor is overburdened with frequent calls of the workers.
Suggest how the supervisor, by increasing the skills and knowledge of workers, can make them handle their work independently.
Also state any three benefits that the workers will derive by the decision of the supervisor.

The workers of Vyam Ltd. are unable to work on new and hi-tech machines imported by the company to fulfill the increased demand. Therefore, the workers are seeking extra guidance from the supervisors.
The supervisor is overburdened with the frequent calls of workers.
Suggest how the supervisor, by increasing the skills and knowledge of workers, can make them handle their work independently?
Also state any three benefits that the workers will derive by the decision of the supervisor.

Question 16.
Mohit Gupta is working with Yellow Security Services Ltd. He is also recruiting security guards for the company. The company provides security services in Delhi and Noida at short notice to various companies. The guards are recruited on a temporary basis. The guards provided by this company are known for their honesty and punctuality. Mohit Gupta is well-known in his village for providing employment to unskilled people.
1.    Name the source of recruitment used by Yellow Security Services Ltd.
2.    State any one disadvantage of this source of recruitment.
3.    Identify the need of security guards which is being fulfilled by the company as per Maslow’s need hierarchy.
4.    Identify any two values communicated to society in the above stated case. 

Question 17.

Prashant, the Director of a company, is planning to manufacture rugs for utilising waste materials from one of his garment factories. He decided that this manufacturing unit will be set-up in a rural area so that people of that area will have more job opportunities. For this, he wanted four different heads for Sales, Accounts, Purchase and Production Departments. He decided that one of them will be a differently-abled person, another from a minority community and one from a disadvantaged section of society. He gave an advertisement in the newspaper for the above vacancies.
1.    Identify and state the next three steps Prashant has to follow in the staffing process after advertising for the above vacancies.
2.    Identify any two values that Prashant wants to communicate by setting up this manufacturing unit. (CBSE, OD 2013)

Question 18.

Nishant, the director of a garment company, is planning to manufacture bags for the utilisation of waste material from one of his garments unit. He has decided that his manufacturing unit will set-up in a rural area of Odisha where people have very few job opportunities and labour is available at very low rates. He also thought of giving equal opportunities to men and women.
For this, he wanted four different heads for sales, accounts, purchase and production. He gave an advertisement and short listed ten candidates per post after conducting different selection tests.
1.    Identify and state the next three steps for choosing the best candidate out of the short¬listed candidates.
2.    Also identify two values which Nishant wants to communicate to society by setting up this manufacturing unit.
(CBSE, Delhi 2013; OD 2013)
Question 19.

Harish, the director of a company, is planning to manufacture stuffed toys for utilising waste materials from one of his garment factories. He decided that this manufacturing unit will be set-up in a rural area so that people of that area will have more job opportunities. For this, he selected Rehman, Anita Banerjee, Harpreet Kaur and Umesh (a differently abled but very intelligent and creative person in designing) as the heads of Sales, Accounts, Purchase and Production Departments respectively.
1.    Identify and state the next three steps that Harish has to follow in the staffing process after selecting the heads of different departments.
2.    Identify any two values that Harish wants to communicate by setting-up this manufacturing unit. 

Question 20.

Sahil, the director of a garments company, is planning to manufacture bags for the utilisation of waste materials from one of his garments units. He decided that his manufacturing unit will be set up in the rural area of Odisha where people have very less job opportunities and labour is available at a very low rate. He also thought of giving equal opportunities to men and women.
For this, he selected S. Chatterjee, Inderjeet Kaur, Aslam and Sarabjeet as heads of the Sales, Accounts, Purchase and Production Departments.
1.    Identify and state the next two steps that Sahil has to follow in the staffing process after selecting the above heads.
2.    Also identify two values which Sahil wants to communicate to society by setting up this manufacturing unit. 

 Question 1.

Owing to the increased workload after demonetisation, the income tax employees of Karnataka and Goa region had urged the centre to increase manpower of the I-T department by filling up 35% vacancies which were lying vaccant. As there were confirmed reports about misuse of bank accounts, foreign exchange mechanism, gold purchases and adoption of various other dubious means for investing the unaccounted cash.
In context of the above case:
1.    Identify and explain the function of management being discussed in the above lines.
2.    Identify and explain the particular step related to the function of management as identified in part (1) of the question which has already been performed. Also, state the next three steps to be performed after this step.
Question 2.
Sia plans to start a play school at a prime location in the city. She offers a partnership proposal to her family friend Jyotika who has done a diploma in human resource management. As Sia understands that human resource management is critical to starting and running the school. The school needs an experienced and dynamic principal. It also needs talented and dedicated teachers and a competent administrative staff. Therefore, after determining the organisational structure of the school she initiates the staffing process with the help of Jyotika to fill in the various job positions as staffing is considered to be an inherent part of human resource management.
In the context of the above case:
1.    Outline the concept of human resource management.
2.    Why is staffing is considered to be an inherent part of human resource management?
Question 3.

Nakul belongs to a small village in Varanasi. Being the only literate person in his immediate family, he decides to settle in a city. So he opens a sweets shop in Chandni Chowk, Delhi as he possesses extraordinary culinary skills. Very soon he starts getting requests from his cousins in the village to engage them in some kind of job in his business. Considering it to be his moral obligation, he engages five of his cousins in his business without paying any specific attention to their individual capabilities. This leads to wastage of materials, time, effort and energy, resulting in lower productivity and poor quality of products. As a result, the profitability of his business starts falling. Soon, he realised that for the success of the business it is essential that right kind of people must be available in right number at the right time.
In the context of the above case:
1.    Identify and explain the function of management that has been overlooked by Nakul.
2.    Describe briefly the importance of the function of management as identified in part (1).
Question 4.

Anuroop runs a law firm in Hyderabad. His firm offers valuable financial and legal consultancy services to the clients. Whenever the firm hires any new employees, on the first day of their joining, they are welcomed to the organisation and are given details about hours of work, holiday requests, sickness procedure, dress code, lunch arrangements, introduced to the daily operations and key people in the workplace, etc. They are also familiarised with the organisation’s policies and procedures, including complaints and dispute resolution, sexual harassment, emergency exits and evacuation procedure.
In the context of the above case:
1.    Name the type of training which is being referred to in the above lines.
2.    Identify and explain the human needs of the new employees that are being fulfilled by Anuroop through this training.
Question 5.

Deeksha is the general manager of a firm offering Telemarketing services. Telemarketing is a method of direct marketing in which a representative of the company solicits prospective customers to buy products or services, either over the phone or through a subsequent face to face, or Web conferencing appointment scheduled during the call. Deeksha ensures that all the call centre representatives are well versed with the local languages so that they can interact effectively with the prospective buyers. Moreover, the employees are provided training to improve upon their troubleshooting skills so that they do not spend too much time with every customer. By acquiring these skills the callers are able to add value to their message and also shorten the call durations, leading to increased customer satisfaction and profitability of the business.
As a part of the firm’s policy, Deeksha encourages women, persons from backward communities and persons with special abilities to assume responsible positions in the organisation.
In context of the above case:
1.    Identify the type of communication barriers that Deeksha is able to overcome by ensuring that all the call centre representatives are well versed with the local languages.
2.    What are benefits of training employees to an organisation?
3.    List any two values that the firm wants to communicate to the society.
Question 6.

Srija runs an NGO under the name ‘Sarthak’ in Delhi. The organisation is engaged in offering waste paper recycling services to all kinds of institutions in the Delhi NCR region. It also manufactures custom made paper stationery out of recycled paper on order for the interested institutions at a very competitive price. The website of ‘Sarthak’ provides a link to a Careers site wherein the people desirous of joining the NGO can use simple Job Search to find the right opportunity for themselves. The NGO also keeps a database of unsolicited applicants in its office so that job seekers may be notified of future opportunities when they arise.
In context of the above case:
1.    Identify the two sources of external recruitment being used by the NGO ‘Sarthak’ by quoting lines from the paragraph.
2.    List any two values that Srija wants to communicate to the society.
Question 7.

Race Tech Ltd. is one of the top IT companies in India. The company does mass recruitment each year from different colleges offering fresher level job to the final year students. This helps in recruiting the brightest and the best available talent in the educational institutions.
In context of the above case:
1.    Identify the source of external recruitment adopted by the company.
2.    Explain briefly any three advantages of using the external sources of recruitment.
Question 8.

Prateek has started an advertising agency in Gurgaon. One of the page on his company’s website contains the following information, “Welcome to all the visitors of this page who are looking for an opportunity to make a career in the field of advertising. The openings are available in the company at various levels, so don’t miss the chance.” This page includes a link to provide further details about the vacancies available in terms of the desired qualifications, experience, personality characteristics and so on. Through a continuous assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives and in relation to the number and type available, he gets the information on this page updated.
In context of the above case:
1.    Identify and explain the steps in the staffing process being carried out by Prateek by quoting lines from the paragraph.
2.    Name the concept that relates to the details about the vacancies available in terms of the desired qualifications, experience, personality characteristics and so on.
Question 9.

Sunidhi runs a KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) in Gurgaon. The services provided by her firm include all kinds of research and information gathering in fields such as financial market, medicine, animation and design, etc. Sunidhi believes that the success of the company can be achieved mainly through the people it chooses to employ. Therefore, she aims to attract the best people and provides them innumerable opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skill relevant to their position.
In context of the above case, identify and explain the aspects of staffing being taken into consideration by Sunidhi by quoting lines from the paragraph.

Question 10.

Anushka is doing a course in fashion designing from an institute of repute. As a part of the course, she has been asked to take on-the-job training in an export house for a fortnight in order to gain an insight about various practical aspects related to designing. Anushka, through the references from her senior, joins an export house owned by an upcoming designer, Nandita.
In context of the above case:
1.    Name and explain the type of training which Anushka has been asked to undertake.
2.    Explain briefly any one method for providing off-the-job training.
Question 11.

The employees of ‘Food Darbar,’ a restaurant, are trained through a structured programme that provides training in each area within the restaurant. The trainees learn the skills necessary for running each of the 12 workstations in the restaurant, from taking orders to the cooking area. This enables the employees to gain a broader understanding of all parts of the business and how the restaurant functions as a whole. The trainee gets fully involved in the department’s operations and also gets a chance to test her own aptitude and ability. When employees are trained by this method, the organisation finds it easier at the time of promotions, replacements or transfers.
In context of the above case:
1.    Name the type of training which ‘Food Darbar’ provides to its employees.
2.    Distinguish between training and development on the basis of meaning, purpose and scope.

Question 12.

Sunder Lai runs a security service providers agency. Considering that psychological testing is a critical step for judging the potential of the prospective candidates for a career in law enforcement, he uses various types of psychological tests as part of the selection processes. This is done to ensure that potential new officers are emotionally and psychologically suited to carry out the requirements of the job.
In context of the above case:
1.    Briefly outline any one more type of test that Sunder Lai may use to assess the potential of the prospective candidates.
2.    Briefly outline the steps involved in the selection process after conducting the assessment tests.





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