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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

CBSE half yearly question papers for Class 12 commerce










General Instructions:
All the questions are to be attempted. How ever intemal choice is provided in all the 6 mark questions
• Marks are indicated against each question.
• The answers to questions carrying 1 mark may be from one word to one sentence.
• The answer to questions carrying 3-4 marks may be from 50-75 words.
. The answer to questions carrying5 marks may be about 150 words.
• The answer to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.

Q1. "Resources should be put to use in such a manner that they should give maximum benefits with minimum cost". Mention the importance of principles of management highlighted in the statement

Q2. In which level of management organizational set up is included.

Q3. What do you mean by policies?

Q4. State any three components of staffing?

05. State any twoways to influence subordinate?

Q6Stipend is provided to which of the methods of training

Q7. It is not always true that just because a plan has worked before, it will work again. Which demerit oF planning is highlighted here?

Q8. What do youmean by Recruitment?

Q9. In what kind of organization is functionalstructure more suitable?

Q10. Why is it said that 'management is all pervasive'.

Q11.. External sources of recruitment are better than internal sources of recruitment. Do you agree with this statement? Give two reasons in support of your answer.

Q12."motivation can be negative or positive". Comment with examples.

Q13.D and Ditd. Co. Is a large manufacturing unit recently, the company had conducted the "time" and" Motion" studies and concluded that on an average a workercould produce 120 units per day. however, it
has been noticed that average daily production ofa worker is in the range of 80-90 units. What steps will you suggest to ensure that the actual performance is in accordance with the performance as per time and motion studies.

Q14. Rahul a worker is given a target of assembling two computers per day. Due to his habit of doing things differently, an idea struck him which would not only reduce the assembling time of computers but would
also reduce the cost of production of the computers. Rahul's supervisor instead of appreciating him, ordered him to complete the work as per the methods and techniques decided earlier as nothing could be changed at that stage
The above paragraph describes one of the limitations of planning function of management. Name and explain that limitation

Q15. Amar runs a factory wherein he manufacturers leather shoes. The business is doing well and he intends to expand by diversifying into leather bags as well as leather jackets. Which type of organization structure
would you recommend for his expanded organization and why? Give any two reasons.

Q16.What are Monetary Reforms.write two main points?

Q17.Dheeraj is working as operational manager in tifco. Ltd. Name the managerial level at which he is working State any four functions he will perfomas operational manager" in this Company.

Q18. Distinguish between the principles of "unity of direction" and "unity of command".

Q19. Indians mostly being vegetarian as per the studies of KFC has planned to introduce veg rice meals in its menu.
A Which characteristics of management is highlighted in the given statement?
B. Name and explain the dimension of business environment which is responsible for this step of KFC

Q 20 In an organization all the employees take things easy and are free to approach Anyone for minor queries and problems. This has resulted in everyone taking easy to each other and thus resulting in
inefficiency in the office. It has also resulted in loss of secrecy and confidential information being leaked out. What system do you think the manager should adopt to improve communication.

Q21. Discuss Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory of Motivation.

Q22.A major insurance company handled all recruiting, screening and training processes for data entry/customer service representatives. Their competitor was attracting most of the qualified, potential
employees in their market. Recruiting was made even more difficult by strong economy and the 'job- seeker's market. This resulted in the client having to choose from candidates who had the soft skills needed for the job, but lacked the proper 'hard' skills and training
1) As an HR manager, what problems do you see in the company?
ii) How do you think it can be resolved?.

Q 23.Organisation is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationship among them'. In the light of this statement, explain the steps in the process of organizing

Q24. Mega Itd. was manufacturing water heaters. In this first year of its operations, the revenue earned by the company was just sufficient to meet its costs. To increase the revenue, the company
analyzed the reasons of less revenue. After analysis, the company decided.
i) To reduce the labour cost by shifting the manufacturing unit to a backwardarea where labour was available at a very low rate.
ii) To start manufacturing solar water-heaters and reduce the production ofelectric water heaters
slowly. This will not only help in covering the risks, but also help in meeting other objectives too.
a) Identify and explain the objectivesof management discussed above.
b) State any two values which the company wanted to communicate to the society

Q25. The Court passed an order to ban polythene bags as:
These bags are creating many environmental problems which affectthe life of people in general.
ii) Society in general is more concerned about quality of life The Government decided to give subsidy to Jute industry to promote this business. Innovative
techniques are being developed to manufacture jute bags at low rates. Incomes are rising and people can afford to buy these bags.
Identify the different dimensions of business environment by quoting the lines from the above

                                   PRACTICE PAPER


CHAPTER –1,2,3,4,5


).Name the organization which is deliberately created? (1)

A: Formal Organisation


2.What all qualities are required for doing planning?
Ans. Intelligence, Imagination, Foresight, Sound Judgment..


3. Give one designation each of top and middle level management? (1)
Ans. Top – CEO, Middle – Divisional Manager

4. Your Grand Father has retired as the director of a manufacturing company.
At what level of management was he working. (1)

Ans. Top management.


QUESTION 5  What is meant by Management?   (1)

Answer: Management is a skill of getting the work done through others. The term management can also be defined as, the procedure of getting the thing done with the aim of accomplishing goals effectively.

6. What is meant by ‘Universality of management principles’? (1)


Why is it said that management principles are universal?
Ans. This it means that they are applicable to all kinds of organizations.


7. “Management is a group activity”. Give reasons for statement. (1)
Ans. An organization is a collection of diverse individuals with needs and purposes
but they work towards fulfilling the common organizational goals.

8. What is Business Environment?  (1)
Ans. Forces affecting the performance of an organization but outside its control are called as Business Environment.

9. How have customers benefited by increased competition after liberalization and globalization?  (1)
Ans. While purchasing they get a better quality and wider choice of goods and services.

10. How can the firms cope up with changing technological environment?  (1)
Ans. They have to develop new ways.

11..Give any one importance of organizing?(1)

Ans: Development of personnel..


12. In order to be successful, an organization must change its according to the
needs of the environment. Which characteristic of management is highlighted in the statement? (1)

Ans. Management is a dynamic function.


Question 13

How does coordination integrate group efforts? State briefly.  (1)

Answer: Coordination integrates group efforts by unifying distinct interests hereby giving them a common focus to assure that the performance is according to the plans and strategies.

Question 14

State any 2 points that prove that the management is a multi-dimensional.  (1)


  • Management of work
  • Management of people


QUESTION 15 “Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and controlling” is the sequence of functions in a process. Name it.  (1)
Ans. Management

16. Name that intangible force which creates productive relationships among resources of an organization.      (1)

Ans. Management

17. What is the main objective of any organization?   (1)
Ans. Main objective of any organization is optimum utilization of resources

18. Production manager tries to produce goods with minimum costs.
Name the concept which is being focused by management?  (1)

Ans. Efficiency

19. What do you mean by effectiveness?  (1)
Ans. It means completing the task or achieving the goals within stipulated time period


20. Why is management called inexact science?  (1)
Ans. Management relates to human behavior, whose cause and effect is not
certain, that’s why it is called and inexact science.


21. How are management principles derived?   (1)
Ans. Management principles are derived through observation and analysis of events.


22. Give anyone difference between Principle and Technique.  (1)
Ans. Principles are guidelines to take decision whereas techniques are methods to take action.

23. The principles of management aren’t rigid and can be modified when the situation demands. Which nature of principles is being discussed here?  (1)
Ans. Flexibility.


24. Define scientific management.  (1)
Ans. Application of a scientific approach to managerial decision making.


25. List any two principle of ‘Scientific Management’ formulated by Taylor for managing an organization scientifically. (1)
Ans. (i) Science, not Rule of Thumb. (ii) Harmony, not Discord.




26.Explain the meaning of management. What do you mean by managers? (3)
Ans. Management is a process of getting things done with the aim of achieving desired
common goals effectively and efficiently persons engaged in performing the functions of the management are known as managers. In other words, those managing the organizational resources for releasing its goals are known as managers.

     26. ‘Management is a process’ Explain?  (3)
     Ans. Management includes various steps such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. This process begins with those at the top of the organization and continues in varying degrees at almost every level of the organization. These i n t e r -related steps help to achieve organizational goals in effective manner. That is why management is known as process of employing and organizing resources to accomplish predetermined objectives.


27. ‘Management is multi-dimensional’. Explain?  (3)
Ans. Management is a complex activity and involves following three main
dimensions –
i) Management of works
In each and every organization, certain type of work is to be performed. In school, overall development of a child is to be done; in hospitals, patients are treated etc. Management converts these works into goals and devises the means to achieve them.
ii) Management of People.
Management is concerned with “getting things done through people”, which is a very difficult task. All the employees have different personalities, needs backgrounds and methods of work. Thus, it becomes management’s job to make them work as a group by giving common direction to their efforts.
iii) Management of operations.
In order to survive, each organization has to provide certain goods or services. This involves production process thus, management of operations is inter linked with both the above dimensions viz., management of work and the management of people.


28. Define Business Environment. State two important concerns of business environment.  (3)
Ans. The sum total of all external factors which are outside the control of business enterprises is termed as Business Environment. Factors may be social, political, economic etc.

29. Explain the specific and general forces of business environment ?  (3)
Ans. Business environment comprises of both specific and general forces. Specific forces refer to those forces that are having direct effect on the day to day working of the business viz. customers, competitors, investors etc. General forces refer to social, political, legal and other forces which are having an indirect effect on the operations of a business.

30. Enumerate the benefits of understanding business environment.  (3)
Ans. The benefits of understanding business environment are:
(i) Enabling the identification of opportunities and getting the first mover advantage.
(ii) Helping in the identification of threats and early
(iii) Tapping useful resources.
(iv) Coping with the rapid changes.
(v) Assisting in planning and policy.
(vi) Improvement in performance.



31. What are the personal objectives of the management? (3)
Ans. Personal objectives refer to the objectives which are related to the
employees of an organization. They are as follows:
i) Financial needs like competitive salaries, incentives and other monetary
ii) Social needs like recognition in the organization.
iii) Higher level need which includes personal growth and development.

32. Enumerate the importance of management. (3)
Ans. Following points are the importance of management.
i) Management helps in achieving group goals.
ii) Management increase efficiency
iii) Management creates a dynamic organization.
iv) Management helps in achieving personal objectives.
v) Management helps in development of society.

33. Define co-ordination. Enumerate the features of co-ordination? (3)
Ans. Coordination is an orderly arrangement of group efforts to
maintain harmony among individuals’ efforts towards the accomplishment of
common goals of an organization.
Features of co-ordination
i) It integrates group efforts.
ii) It unifies the action.
iii) It is a continuous process.
iv) It is an all-pervasive function
v) It is the responsibility of all managers.
vi) It is a deliberate function.


34. Define scientific management and name any three of its principles. (3)
Ans. According to Taylor, “Scientific management means knowing exactly what you want your men to do and seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way”. Three principles of scientific management are as follows:
(i) Science, not rule of thumb
(ii) Harmony, not discord.
(iii) Cooperation, not individualism.


35. Explain the principle of unity of direction.  (3)
Ans. This principle suggests that in an organization there should be one head and one plan for a group of activities having the same objective. This helps in bringing unity of action and coordination in an organization. If a company is manufacturing two different products then it should have two separate divisions or departments for both the products. Each division or department should have their separate in-charge, plans and execution resources etc.


36. An organization follows the principles of management. What are the adverse effects of each of the following principles of management on the organization?
(i) Unity of Command
(ii) Order
(iii) Stability of tenure of personnel   (3)

Ans. Adverse effects of said principles are:
(i) Unity of Command: If this principle is followed, work gets delayed which results in wastage of time and cost.
(ii) Order: It creates boredom among the employees due to rigidity provided by this principle.
(iii) Stability of personnel: If employees are not rotated on different jobs frequently, they can specialize only in a small part of the whole process of production and thus can never become versatile.


37. Explain how principles of management  (3)
i) Help the managers in taking scientific decisions
ii) Provide the managers with useful insights into real world situations
Ans. Explanation of relevant sub-headings from significance of principles of management.


38. Explain the concept of technological environment.  (3)
Ans. It includes new approaches, new procedures, and new equipment’s to transform inputs into outputs. It facilitates an organization’s efficiency and effectiveness so that it can try to remain at par with the best in the world. Technological changes provide opportunities for some enterprises and become threats for some others.
For example, digital watches killed the business prospects of traditional watches; TV has adversely affected radio & cinema industry; mobile phones have taken over the market from landline phones.


39. What do you understand by legal environment? Give two examples which
protect consumers’ interests. (3)

Ans. Legal environment consists of rules and regulations, framed by the Parliament, under which business must operate. To exist and grow, business is required to follow all the rules and regulations that constitute this environment.
Two examples protecting consumers’ interests:
(i) Advertisement of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
(ii) Packets of cigarettes should mention the statutory warning ‘Cigarette smoking is Injurious to health’.


40. List the various changes initiated by the Government of India since 1991. (3)
Ans. Various changes initiated by the Government of India since 1991 are as follows:
(i) New industrial policy
(ii) New trade policy
(iii) Fiscal reforms
(iv) Monetary policy
(v) Capital market reforms
(vi) Phasing out of Subsidies and Price controls


41. List some important factors that influence the working of a business enterprises? (3)
Ans. Following are the important factors that influence the working of a business
enterprise:- (i) Changes in economic policies. (ii) Political uncertainty in the
country. (iii) Increase in the rate of competition. (iv) Changes in fashion.


42. Give three points reflecting the nature of management principles. (3)
Ans. Management principles are (any three):
(i) Universal in application.
(ii) General guidelines.
(iii) Flexible and can be applied differently under different conditions.
(iv) Formed by practice and experimentation.
(v) Establish cause and effect relationships.


43. Enumerate the importance of management.  (3)
Ans. Following points are the importance of management.
i) Management helps in achieving group goals.
ii) Management increase efficiency
iii) Management creates a dynamic organization.
iv) Management helps in achieving personal objectives.
v) Management helps in development of society.

44. What do you mean by level of management? (3)
Ans. Levels of management means the hierarchy of organization representing the relationships among managers and subordinates on the basis of their relative authority, status and responsibility. There are three levels in the hierarchy of an organization viz.
(i) Top management (ii) Middle management and (iii) Supervisory or operational management.


45. Define co-ordination. Enumerate the features of co-ordination? (3)
Ans. Coordination is an orderly arrangement of group efforts to
maintain harmony among individuals’ efforts towards the accomplishment of
common goals of an organization.
Features of co-ordination
i) It integrates group efforts.
ii) It unifies the action.
iii) It is a continuous process.
iv) It is an all-pervasive function
v) It is the responsibility of all managers.
vi) It is a deliberate function.





46.Explain “Objective” and “Policy” as types of plan using suitable examples. (4)


Ans Objectives: Objectives are those endpoints which every organization strives to achieve. These are the basic reason for a firm’s existence. These are usually stated in measurable terms. These are time-bound i.e these are to be achieved within a given period of time. All the activities of the organisation are directed towards the attainment of the objectives. These provide broad direction to employees about what they should do. For e.g. it is a firm’s objective to increase its sales targets by 20%.Policy: A Policy is a general statement that guides decision making. It acts as a guide to managerial actions and decisions in implementing strategy. A policy defines the boundaries within which decisions can be made by the subordinates. The main purpose of policies is to provide a practical shape to objectives by elaborating the manner in which goals are to be achieved. Policies play important role in setting the parameters within which a manager may function. There are different policies at different levels ranging from major company policies to minor policies. Major policies are concerned with the market, competitors, customers and clients etc. whereas minor policies are concerned with the insiders.


47.What are the main points in the definition of planning? (4)

In the words of Koontz O’Donnell, Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who is going to do it. Planning bridges the gap from where we are and where we want to go. It is a trap to capture the future.Main points involved are:

  1. Setting objectives
  2. Time period
  3. Formulating alternatives course of action
  4. Selecting a course of action.




48.Defining ‘organizational objectives’ as the first step in the process of planning. Explain in brief the other steps of this process. (4)

e first step in the planning process is to establish objectives. Objectives determined must be clear, realistic and specific as to what is to be accomplished. The further steps in the planning process are:

·         Establishing Planning Premises

·         Identifying the Alternative Courses of Actions

·         Evaluating the Alternative Courses

·         Selecting the Best Alternative

·         Implementing the Plan

·         Follow-up Action

i.            ​​Establishing Planning Premises: Planning premises are the anticipated environments in which plans are expected to operate. They include assumptions or forecasts of the future. Premises provide useful facts and information to the managers to facilitate the work of planning. Various assumptions regarding government policies, prices, taste, and preference etc are made.

ii.            Identifying the Alternative Courses of Actions: On the basis of objectives to be achieved, alternative courses of doing a particular work are discovered. It is a difficult task and it depends upon the creativity and logical thinking of the planner which opens up different avenues for the firm.

iii.            Evaluating the Alternative Courses: In this stage, it is seen as to what extent an alternative course can help in the attainment of the objective. Every alternative has its own pros and cons. Each alternative is carefully evaluated with all its merits and demerits and their feasibility is judged accordingly.

iv.            Selecting the Best Alternative: The next step is to find out the most suitable course to be followed. Efforts are directed towards selecting that course which increases efficiency in the organization by maximizing output and profits at minimum costs. The best-suited for the purpose is selected.

v.            Implementing the Plan: After having decided the Chief Plan and the subsidiary plans, they are to be implemented. At this step, a plan is transformed from a thought (a dream) to an action (reality) by activating the other managerial functions.After implementing the plans the sequence of different activities are also decided.

vi.            Follow-up Action: The process of planning does not end with the implementation of plans. There should be a constant review of the plans to ensure success in an uncertain future. Due to uncertainties of future, it is necessary that the plan should be evaluated from time to time to measure its effectiveness and to see that the objectives are achieved or not.


49.State any three limitations of planning. (4)

Some limitations of planning are as follows:

i.            Planning Reduces Creativity: Under planning, all the activities connected with the attainment of the objectives of the organization are preconceived and predetermined. Consequently, everybody works as they have been directed to do and as it has been made clear in the plans. Managers can’t think of any new ways for doing the tasks. Thus, it reduces creativity.

ii.            Planning Does not work in Dynamic Environment: Planning is based on the anticipation of future happenings. Since the future is uncertain and dynamic, therefore the future anticipations are not always true. Planning does not work in the dynamic environment as plans are rigid with least scope of any changes.

iii.            Planning Involves Huge costs: In planning a lot of work is to be done, a lot of information is to be collected. When so many people remain busy in the same activity, the organization faces huge costs. Also, it involves applying of forecasting techniques, determining alternatives, analyzing data etc. All these make planning a costly process.

50.What do you mean by planning? Comment (4)
Ans. Planning is deciding in advance about work to be done in future. It is that function of management which lays down the objectives and various actions to be taken for the achievement of those objectives. According to Koontz and O’Donnel “Planning is an intellectual process, the conscious determination of courses of action, the basing of decision on purpose, facts and considered estimated”.


51. What do you mean by a plan? (4)
Ans. A plan is a formulation of certain steps and actions which are essential for achieving certain specific results. Plans can be classified on the basis of what they focus to achieve and the methods adopted viz. objectives, strategy, policy etc. For example, if the planned output for a week is 1,000 units and actual output is 580 units only, the planners have to critically review their plans and modify: them, if need be, so as to achieve the planned output.


52..Enumerate the steps in the process of organizing? (4)

Ans: 1) Identification and division of work

2) Grouping Jobs and Departmentalization

3) Assignment of duties

4) Establishing authority relationship

53. Explain the organizational objectives of management.  (4)
Ans. The organizational objectives of management refer to the main objectives
required to fulfill the economic goals of the business organization. The main
objective of management is to utilize the human and material resources in such a
manner that it should give maximum advantage to the organization. Every
management group strives to accomplish these objectives for its organization.
These objectives of every organization are survival, profit and growth.
(a) Survival: The basic objective of every business is to survive for a longer
period in the market. The management must ensure survival of the
organization by earning enough revenue to cover its costs.
(b) Profit: Only survival is not sufficient for business. Profit earning is essential for
meeting the expenses and for the successful operation of the bus’ Thus
management must ensure earning of sufficient profit.
(c) Growth: The next important objective of the management is to ensure
future growth and development of the business.

54.. Explain the ‘social objectives’ of management. 
Ans. Each organization is a part of society and thus it has certain social obligations
to fulfill.
Some of them are as follows:
(i) To supply quality goods and services
(ii) Providing basic amenities to the employees like schools and creches for
their children, medical facilities etc.
(iii) To generate employment opportunities especially for the backward
(iv) To provide environment friendly methods of production.
(v) To provide financial support to society by donating for noble causes.
(vi) To organize educational, health and vocational training programmes.
(vii) To participate in social service projects of Government and Non –
Governmental Organizations (NGOs).


55. What do you mean by management principles? (4)
Ans. Principles are statements of fundamental truths about some phenomena and serve as a guide for thoughts and actions. They establish cause and effect relationship. Management Principles are the fundamental statements of truth that provide guidelines to the managers for decision making and actions. These enable the managers to manage the enterprises in “3E way” viz ‘economically’, ‘effectively’ and ‘efficiently’. These act as guide for managers and sharpen their skills and competence. For example, principle of division of labor increases the efficiency of workers which ultimately leads to economy and effectiveness in the

56. How are management principles derived? (4)


“Management principles are evolutionary.” Explain.


“Derivation of management principles may be said to be a matter of science.” Explain.
Ans. Management principles are not made in heavens; they have emerged gradually, through an evolutionary process of combining deep observations and experimental studies.
(i) Observation method
Under this method, practical events are observed and analyzed by managerial researchers to derive management principles. For example, it was observed that by dividing the work into different units, efficiency of employees improved. As a result, it led to formulation of principle
of ‘division of labor’.
(ii) Experimental method
Under this method, experiments are conducted so that management principles can be derived and their validity can be tested. For example, two units, one unit involving one superior and one subordinate and other unit involving two superiors and one subordinate, were taken. It was found that unit having one superior and one subordinate performed better. As a result, it led to formation of principle of “unity of command.” From the above it can be concluded that observations and experiments result in the formulation of management principles which therefore are evolutionary. Hence, derivation of management principles can be said to be a
matter of Science. It is worth mentioning here that even though derivation of management principles is a matter of science; their application remains a matter of art. The success of managers depends upon how skillfully they put these principles into practice.
57. Give three points reflecting the nature of management principles.
Ans. Management principles are (any three):
(i) Universal in application.
(ii) General guidelines.
(iii) Flexible and can be applied differently under different conditions.
(iv) Formed by practice and experimentation.
(v) Establish cause and effect relationships.
58. “Principles of management achieve results economically.” Explain?
Ans. Management principles help in setting realistic objectives for the business because the objectives are set with the participation of employees. Hence, the employees work to their full potential and their commitment level increases because objectives of organization become their own objectives. For example, the principle of maximum output rather than restricted one ensures more output. More output lowers cost per unit and hence profit per unit increases.
59. Define scientific management and name any three of its principles.
Ans. According to Taylor, “Scientific management means knowing exactly what you want your men to do and seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way”. Three principles of scientific management are as follows:
(i) Science, not rule of thumb
(ii) Harmony, not discord.
(iii) Cooperation, not individualism.

60. Explain the objectives of standardization.  (4)
Ans. Standardization is done for the following reasons:
(i) To ensure that a given product range has fixed types, sizes, characteristics etc.
(ii) To bring about interchangeability, for manufactured parts, output, developments etc. among various branches.
(iii) To set uniform standards of performance for men, machines etc.

61. Which technique of Taylor suggests that each worker should be
supervised by specialists? Give the designations of any four specialists
suggested by him. 
Ans. The technique of functional foremanship suggests that each worker should be
supervised by specialists. These specialists’ designations are follow.
(i) Instruction Card Clerk
(ii) Route Clerk
(iii) Time and Cost Clerk
(iv) Disciplinarian

62. ‘Discipline is double-edged tool’ Comment.  (4)
Ans. Discipline is a double-edged tool. It is expected to strike a balance betweenen forcing the discipline on one hand and motivating employees on the other.  Personnel entrusted with enforcing it are expected to be competent and capable of achieving this balance. Employees must honor the commitment made by them and management must meet its promises to increase wages declaration of bonus etc. To achieve proper discipline, skilled superiors at all
levels, clear and fair agreements and judicious application of penalties etc. are required.








1. Explain any five features of management?    (5)
Ans. Following are the features of management:
(i) Management is a group activity
Management consists of a number of persons who work as a group.
Their efforts are directed towards the common goals. Members initiate,
communicate, coordinate and join their hands for the achievement of
organizational objectives.
(ii) Management is a goal-oriented process
Management aims at common goals through a process of series of
continuous functions  via  planning, organizing, directing, staffing and
controlling. These composite functions of management are separately
performed by all managers all the time simultaneously to realize
organizational goals
(iii) Management is all pervasive
Whether it is a commercial organization or noncommercial
organization, big or small all require management to handle their operations
effectively and efficiently.
(iv) Management is a continuous process
Management is a continuous process consisting of a series of
functions viz., planning, organizing, directing and controlling. All the managers
perform these functions regularly.
(v) Management is a dynamic function
The environment in which a business exists keeps on changing. Thus in
order to be successful, management must change its goals, plans and politics
according to the needs of its environment.

2.  ‘Planning focuses on achieving objectives’. Explain. (5)
 Planning is a goal oriented process which helps in defining objectives, and preparation of necessary action plans to achieve goals. Thus, planning is focused on clarifying what is to be  done and how is that to be done. The planning holds no purpose if it does not focus on achievement of preset organizational or corporate objectives.

3. Explain the ‘social objectives’ of management.  (5)
Ans. Each organization is a part of society and thus it has certain social obligations
to fulfill.
Some of them are as follows:
(i) To supply quality goods and services
(ii) Providing basic amenities to the employees like schools and creches for
their children, medical facilities etc.
(iii) To generate employment opportunities especially for the backward
(iv) To provide environment friendly methods of production.
(v) To provide financial support to society by donating for noble causes.
(vi) To organize educational, health and vocational training programmes.
(vii) To participate in social service projects of Government and Non –
Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

4. Do you mean by’ Personal Objectives’ of management? Enumerate
personal objectives of management.  (5)

Ans. Personal Objectives refer to the objectives which are related to the individual
needs of the employees of an organization. All organizations are made up of
people with different values, experiences and objectives. People join an
organization to satisfy their different needs. These are as follows:
i) Financial needs like competitive salaries, incentives and other monetary
ii) Social needs like recognition in the organization.
iii) Higher level need which includes personal growth and development.

5. Explain five functions of top-management.  (5)
Ans. Top management performs the following functions.
i) Develops long-term objectives: Top-level managers develop the long – term objectives like expansion of business, manpower planning etc.
ii) Framing of policies: They lay down guidelines for departmental head i.e., policies relating to production, marketing, personnel, finance public relation etc.
iii) Organizing : Top management organizes the business into various sections and departments to achieve the desired organizational objectives.
iv) Key appointments: Top-level authorities appoint the departmental heads and some other key persons to develop the organizational structure for profitable growth of the enterprises.
v) Controlling: Top-level managers periodically review the work of executives at different levels to ensure that their performance is as per predetermined plans.


6. Enumerate the steps involved in the planning process.  (5)
Ans. Steps of planning are as follows:
(i) Setting up of objectives
(ii) Developing premises.
(iii) Identifying alternative courses of action.
(iv) Evaluating alternative courses
(v) Selecting an alternative.
(vi) Implementation of plan.
(vii) Follow up


7. It is a network of personal and social relations not established or required by the
formal organization but arising spontaneously as people associate with one another.
Name this organization and give its four advantages. (5)

Ans: Informal organization:
1. It brings feeling of belongingness.
2. Informal organization satisfies social and cultural needs.
3. It provides useful channel of communication.


8. Distinguish between Policies and Rules.( 5)




1. Meaning
flexibility or

A policy is a guide for thinking.

A rule is a specific statement,
which restricts the

2. Nature

Policy lays down the broad areas
of action in an organization.

Rule lays down any specific
sequence of actions in an

3. Objective

Policy is framed to achieve
objectives of the organization.

Rules are used to maintain
discipline and command in
any organization.

4. Manager’s

Policy provides some scope for the
manager’s discretion in his course of

Rules provide no scope for
manager’s discretion and they
are binding for all.



9).What are the advantages and disadvantages of divisional structure? (5)

Ans: Advantages:

1).All activities associated with one product. It can be easily integrated.

2).Decision making is faster.

3).Performance can be easily assessed remedial action can be taken

10).Distinguish between formal and informal organizations on the basis of ( 5)
a) Formation b. Purpose c. structure d. Behavior of members e. stability and f. adherence to rules.


Functional Structure

Divisional Structure.


Deliberately Planned

Emerges Spontaneously
among people


To achieve organizational

To satisfy social and cultural


Well defined structure

Does not have a clear-cut


Behavior of members

Standards of behavior

Mutual consent among


It is stable

Neither stable nor predictable.

Adherence to rules

Violation of rules may lead
to penalties

No such punishment.



Question 11.
‘Apna Ghar/ a company dealing in consumer durables, plans to increase the sale of its products by 25% around Diwali this year. Moreover, in order to cash on the implementation of the seventh pay commission by that time, which is likely to raise the income of 47 lakh serving employees of the Central government and 52 lakh pensioners, the company has created 30 advertisement films which will be aired across 85 national and regional channels until Diwali.
In context of the above case:

1.    Identify the two different types of plans that ‘Apna Ghar’ proposes to implement by quoting lines from the paragraph.

2.    Distinguish between the two types of plans as identified in part(i).   (6)


1.    Objective and Strategy are the two different types of plans that ‘Apna Ghar’ proposes to implement.
Objective: “Apna Ghar’, a company dealing in consumer durables, plans to increase the sale of its products by 25% around Diwali this year.”
Strategy: “Moreover, in order to cash on the implementation of the seventh pay commission by that time which is likely to raise the income of 47 lakh serving employees of the Central government and 52 lakh pensioners, the company has created 30 advertisement films which will be aired across 85 national and regional channels until Diwali.”

2.    The difference between objectives and strategy is outlined below:

S. No.






Objectives are the end results of the activities that an organisation seeks to achieve through its existence.

A strategy is a comprehensive plan prepared for winning over the given challenge or problem.



Objectives are based on the mission or philosophy of the organisation.

A strategy is based on the objectives of the organisation.


Level of persons involved

Objectives are determined by top level management.

A strategy may be determined by top level or middle level management.


Question 12..
Radhika opens a jewellry showroom in Jaipur after completing a course in jewellry designing. She has employed eleven persons in her showroom. For greater productivity, she divides the work into small tasks and each employee is trained to perform his/her specialised job. The sales persons are allowed to close a deal with a buyer by giving a maximum of 10% discount, whereas the decision to give any further discount rests with Radhika as the final authority. In the earlier days of starting of the business, five of her employees were asked to put in extra hours of work. In return she had promised to give them a special incentive within a year. Therefore, after six months when the business was doing well, she awarded a cash bonus to each of these employees to honour her commitment. However, when it comes to settling the conflicts among her employees, she tends to be more biased towards her female employees.
In context of the above case:

1.    Identify and explain the various principles of management that are being applied by Radhika by quoting lines from the paragraph.

2.    Identify and explain the principle of management which is being violated by Radhika by quoting lines from the paragraph.

3.    State any one effect of the violation of the principle of management by Radhika as identified in part(b) of the question.


1.    The various principles of management that are being applied by Radhika are listed below:

·         Principle of Division of Work: According to Fayol, “The intent of division of work is to produce more and better work for the same effort. Specialisation is the most efficient way to use human effort.” He advocates that the principle of division of work is applicable to all kinds of work both technical as well as managerial.
“For greater productivity, she divides the work into small tasks and each employee is trained to perform his/her specialised job.”

·         Principle of Centralisation and Decentralisation: The concentration of decision-making authority is called centralisation whereas its dispersal among more than one person is known as decentralisation. According to Fayol, “There is a need to balance subordinate involvement through decentralisation with managers’ retention of final authority through centralisation.”
“The sales persons are allowed to close a deal with a buyer by giving a maximum of 10% discount, whereas the decision to give any further discount rests with Radhika as the final authority.”

·         Principle of Discipline: Discipline refers to the obedience to organisational rules and employment agreement which are necessary for the working of the organisation. According to Fayol, discipline requires good superiors at all levels, clear and fair agreements and judicious application of penalties.
“Therefore, after six months when the business was doing well, she awarded a cash bonus to each of these employees to honour her commitment.”

   The principle of management which is being violated by Radhika is Equity.
According to Fayol, “Good sense and experience are needed to ensure fairness to all employees, who should be treated as fairly as possible.” This principle emphasizes on kindliness and justice in the behaviour of managers towards workers. The managers should not discriminate against anyone on account of gender, religion, language, caste, belief or nationality etc.
“However, when it comes to settling the conflicts among her employees, she tends to be more biased towards her female employees.”

   One effect of the violation of the Principle of Equity is that it may lead to job dissatisfaction among the male workers.


Question 13.
Mega Ltd. manufactured water-heaters. In the first year of its operations, the revenue earned by the company was just sufficient to meet its costs. To increase the revenue, the company analysed the reasons behind the less revenues. After analysis, the company decided:

1.    to reduce the labour costs by shifting the manufacturing unit to a backward area where labour was available at a very low rate.

2.    to start manufacturing solar water-heaters and reduce the production of electric water- heaters slowly.

This will not only help in covering the risks but also help in meeting other objectives.

1.    Identify and explain the objectives of management discussed above.

2.    State any two values which the company wanted to communicate to society.


1.    The objectives of management discussed above are:

·         Organisational objectives: An organisation strives to achieve multiple organizational objectives in the interest of its stakeholders like owners, employees etc.The main organizational objectives are survival, profit and growth.

·         Social Objectives: It is the obligation of every organisation to undertake such activities which will benefit the society at large like using eco-friendly methods, contributing towards weaker sections of the society, generating employment opportunities, promoting literacy etc.

   The two values that the company wanted to communicate to the society are:

·         Rural development

·         Environment sustainability



Question 14.
Mr. Atul is the owner of a garment manufacturing company. He finds the spreading of message in his organisation a problem as a lot of time is taken. On many occasions he tried to bring different equipments and software systems to increase the speed of spreading of message. In the month of February this year a new type of machine was installed in the production department. He wanted to have a candid opinion about the utility of the machine from the employees but no one had the courage to tell him about the flaws of the machine on his face. After three months when there were shortcomings in the production of garments he realised his limitation. With passage of time he found the motivation level of employees too low. Many of the employees and workers were new and found the place unfamiliar and didn’t have friends which resulted in the lowering of production.

1.    What would you suggest to Mr. Atul in this scenario?

2.    Identify the three problems in the above case and give the outcomes of your solution given in the previous question on these problems. (6)


1.    Mr. Atul should promote the growth of an informal organisation like cricket club, hockey club, etc. within his organisation for the workers.

2.    The three problems which are highlighted in the above case and the outcomes of the respective solutions are:

o    The spreading of message in his organisation is a problem as a lot of time is taken. An informal organisation results in faster spread of information as the prescribe lines of communication are not followed.

o    Employees’ reaction towards plans and steps of the organisation are not clear to the management. Through the informal organisation a candid opinion of the employees can be found.

o    The social needs of the employees are not fulfilled. An informal organisation helps in the fulfillment of social needs which increases the confidence and satisfaction level of employees.

Question 15.
Mr. Manjnu  is an efficient manager working in a multinational company. He is fond of completing all his work by himself. As a human being he is very good and supportive and due to this he doesn’t want to put burden of work on others. Sometimes he is so much involved in doing different types of works in the office that he even misses the priorities areas.
Which concept of management is seen violated here? What is going to be another disadvantage of this violation? Also identify one disadvantage given in this case. (6)

The concept of management which is violated here is ‘Delegation’. He is fond of completing all his work by himself.
Another disadvantage. Employees need for recognition won’t be satisfied. They won’t be able to develop their skills if they will not share tasks in actual work environment.
The disadvantage of violating delegation given in the case is the lack of priority given by the manager to key areas as he is involved in tasks which can be handled by his subordinates.
Sometimes he is so much involved in doing different types of works in the office that he even misses the priorities areas.

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