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Tuesday, March 16, 2021



Why does every little thing in me affect him so much and thinks deeply about the impact of anything, it is not only today but he does not understand that the night has gone Rohan was fascinated by saying that Nisha was listening to all the things standing behind and the fact was that this was going on but Rohan immediately said to Nisha that for God's sake, you don't start crying anymore. I mean that. Was not, but today something different happened, something that Rohan had probably not even imagined, the scars did not cry and neither did he stole your eyes I have stumbled on my part and have eaten for for  Rohan You have understood my feelings till date and maybe it was like that but today I have a feeling of courage, the confidence of courage to stand on my own feet to make your own decisions alone. 

Without any help, the target told Rohan and went the way from there. He was walking in the mind of Scar while walking in which he did not know how many times he left his many works for his convenience for the happiness of others, he was happy in his happiness, he handled them in his sorrow, but today he got the result of all these Found and that was a lesson that changed his personality

Going today, he found the difference between being emotional and overflowing in emotions, that emotions are not just tears that flow on every little thing, not just grief which is felt most and precious feelings good and bad sorrow and happiness and Weakness is the combination of all of them and it is the combination of all these that makes a human being. It happens that some people feel these feelings more, so emotions are there, but if there is no emotion in the human being, then what is the difference between him and the animal and then no one is right because emotions should be because without the feelings, what is life, what is the relationship And is the person but not very sentimental because he if they allow themselves to come, then they will make us weak and then they will either send us to another group, they will take advantage of us, so be emotional but do not be fooled by emotions. Increased

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