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Wednesday, March 10, 2021



There is as much difference between the culture of India and the culture of America as it is between the earth and the sun. In the American culture where eating meat is not wrong, but eating meat is mistaken in the culture of India, it is not a crime in the culture of America where it is a sin in India. Boys and girls are taught to wear short dresses but wearing short clothes is not the culture of India and it is also considered improper and those people who wear short clothes are not respected.

If seen, America is a developmental country if compared to India, but we can not even remove the truth that one in every 10 people are Indians in America, it may also be the reason that the mind that is displayed on the Indian people is Much more than the people of America and Bill Gates has also said that if "I did not take my employees from India, then there will be another Microsoft in India" that not only America but the whole world also believes that Indian people are very intelligent and very hardworking, but even then India is an under-developed country. If we compare with America, then America's Divorce Rate is very much steep from India because of its culture because marrying and breaking up there is a common thing, but in India, the meaning of marriage is that now both of them are connected, that people and husband and wife and he is never going to be separated. whatever the situation will be Maybe this is why the rate of divorces in India is very low and the love is very more here rather than using another body for your means

There is such a difference between the Indian culture and the American culture that while the girl's wearing white cloth is considered a bad omen at the wedding, while in America, the girls wear white cloth while getting married which shows that Indian culture and American culture are interchangeable. In contrast to the North and South Direction takes place. In India, women wear white clothes when their husband dies but in America, women wear a white dress when she is going to marry

Where there is no such thing as shame in America's culture, there is a lot of shame in Indian culture, no person in India wants to do any work that will make him shy but this thing is not seen in American People they do what they want and whatever they have to do they do not see that we have to take the society together, at the same time, in India, the society plays a very big duty and every boy and girl walks with the society so that their name does not get tarnished in the society and their parents don't have to look down

Children who grow up in America are above the age of 18 years, then they feel that now they do not need anyone, even if they make their parents, they want complete independence, but they want to live their way but This does not happen in India, children in India respect their parents and timeWhen they come, they help and serve the parents, they do not see what freedom is, they always obey their parents and whenever they need them, the mother- The father supports them, which the parents need for the child, then the children support them.

It is wrong to say which country is good and which country is bad because every country has its own ability and every country is good in itself, so we cannot compare each other whether this country is good or that country is good But where is the difference between the culture of America and the culture of India? If we talk about religion, then Hinduism prevails in India, and in the case of America, Christianity as if God is different, religion is different, culture is different, in the same way, human thinking is different. And the dress of human beings is also different, if seen, both of them gave birth to very big scholars in the past. Whether it is Aryabhatta from India or Albert Einstein from America

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