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Friday, March 12, 2021



Adding insult to injury can we imbibe from husband’ said recently divorced wife

“ women are getting divorced because they didn't want a Pi from husband” said Neena Gupta (Bollywood actress)

In India, the divorce rate is less than 1% but gradually it starting growing like unsolicited seeds.  Many knowledgeable fellows think the man ego is hurt when women are working and stand on their own foot. This couple of the thought is the becoming the principle of separation

Husband and wife are known for their love what is the for them earning, caring each other or showing to each other that they can earn for themself and them are not burden and not dependent on each other. Is this thinking is the sign of love for them? Sita is a princess of Janakpuri and daughter of king Janak and her husband Ram is the Prince of Ayodhya. When Ram was exiled for 14 years .It was only for ram, not sita but sita had decided to go with ram to pursue her wife dharma that definitely shows what does the love  means

Love cannot be defined in words as there is no such pen made in the world whose ink can tell you what love is. Love is the same for mother- daughter, mother-son, husband-wife relationship only the eyesight is different.


what is a society of friends of a girl demean to her that she is dependent on husband while her friends are dependent on their own foot then definitely she will be starting feeling embarrassed that she dependent on her hubby but the reality is that she has given her time, the value of money for her husband if our society says that we should respect women so why should we respect women? because she left her home to light on her husband's home. Have you seen small peddlers both duo work together and earn their livelihood that is a sign of love(true love) but has you saw a duo that is doing their jobs and earning their own livelihood what do you call them? lovebirds definitely not I bug your pardon but when a man earns he earns for his family but when a woman earns she earns for herself (sometimes)how  thought of me but I wish I could erase it if both are dividing the expenses and living their livelihood is just like two best friends who share their expenses and live livelihood they can't be called as Husband and Wife. Because there is the absence of sacrifice and sacrifice is another name of love. The most sacrifice to each other generates more love for them. Does your mom has given any type of warning  that if he will not love him she will be going to end her life? or she will cut her nerves simply like mathematics that love cannot be generated by saying 3 magical words it can only be proved in 3 situations bad time, bad time, bad time.

There are grave injustice that women continue to face in 21st century version of a Oracle society gender based violence on the internet to lack of effective representation in political party and in legislative body falling labour force participation and state and social religious control over choice of partner at the only real way to address this problem is to not see them as women issues alone women rights are human rights to ask for the former is to ask for the letter this means categories of the venerable and manager lies need to be reformulated in a society divided by caste and religion with the division stoked for other by political parties a woman cost is extremely early lead to howlett men and women experience systematic caste based discrimination from upper caste men and women like to state  is that a family unit can not compromise same-sex couples or to suspicion that adult interreligious partnership now attracts

As India slowly begins battling its way out of the pandemic with its vaccination drive new models of work and innovative thinking on the part of employees can crypt positive outcomes for women women have suffered tremendously during the pendency but there may well be some silver linings Indian social structures which force a woman to move to different locations depending on a husband's job or remain behind with families in villages or small towns to take care of the household have resulted in millions of women if they're having to stay out of job drop out for opportunities to acquire the appropriate skills or educational qualification to build a career.

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