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Tuesday, June 15, 2021



If we talk about what comes in this, it always comes to 25%, the meaning of the whole paper is that it comes for 25 marks, till now it is coming up to 25 marks, we don't know how much will come if we go for money. Let's talk about what comes in it, then it comes in Business Aptitude Management AptitudeCommunication Skill Multiple Choice Question: Simply put, class twelfth BST comes in 40 to 50%, even if it is not from you, there is no problem with it because you have to go and put your mind in it but it is true It is that children who have a good commerce background a chance to score in it because he has already appeared in class 12th in BST

In this lesson, it is not asked very hard, but it cannot be said that it is easy to worship, in this you can say that how much awareness you have against society, that mind wants to see how aware you are in it, so most of the banks in it. The tagline of the companies is asked and if doesn't; mean toI go into detail, it is asked a little more than economics, what is FDI from investment from economy, what is market, what are the types of market, etc., etc. So if you read the section which is economy of the newspaper, then you should not worry. There is no need for you this management  Aptitude communication skills, there is no problem if you read the newspaper daily and if you know what happens in in our country in the point of business and economy, what is the demand, supply etc., then not much hard for you. 

First I am going to give you that tagline of banks because it has been seen by me in the last 5 years that the tagline of banks, when a question comes, it is very common, one question may be even 2 questions. It is not a big deal to remember the tagline of the bank comes from the tagline. It is very difficult, but yes, the tag line of the top five banks does not come in it, mostly because they see someone going here or there or in the ad,It may be a little difficult to solve, but can not say anything in it and yes it is sure that the tagline of the sure bank will come, then 
Whenever you go to give the paper, before that, you must check the tagline once to see which bank's tagline is, you may not be able to help a lot and will definitely be able to help you.



If anything is needed which can give you crack this exam then it is just practice because only practice can tell you how much you are prepared for the exam and our scriptures also say that
करत-करत अभ्यास के, जड़मति होत सुजान।
रसरी आवत जात तें, सिल पर परत निसान।।

 the more The more you practice, the more your bill will be no matter what it the field, whether it is to give an exam or to achieve success on something, always practice is very useful, so here I can give you 14 questions to practice, you see whether you are able to do it or not or not. If you are, then practice BST, take a chair, have bought a book andsee how you can become more capable i will always be ready to help you


GGSIPU BBA Exam Guide 2022 

The book is a complete study guide for the preparation of GGSIPU BBA 2. The book is divided into 5 Main sections 3. 2 sections tests are accompanied after every section 4. Theories given in everyChapter is well explained in detail 5. Model Solved Papers, practice papers and solved Papers for complete practice the perfect study resource for the GGSIPU BBA common Entrance Exam 2021 is a well organized book that comprehensively covers all topics as per the pattern of ggsipu-cet BBA. It is divided into five sections giving complete coverage to the syllabus. At the end of every section there are 2 section tests for the quick revision of the concepts. The book also contains model Papers, practice papers and solved Papers giving the complete practice of the chapters. Comprehensive and approachable, it is a perfect book to guide you for your upcoming exam. Toc model Solved Paper 2020-2018, solved Paper 2017 & 2016, English Language and Comprehension, General Awareness, Logical & analytical Ability, business Aptitude & management, practice sets


Delhi University BMS Guide 2020 (Old Edition)

Bms & BBA (FIA), BA (Hons.) and business economics are some courses which are offered by the Delhi.University, providing great opportunities to the students who want to hold good managerial position in renowned organisations. In order to get admission one has to appear for JAT entrance Exam which is conducted by faculty of management studies, new Delhi. “Delhi University (DU) JAT Joint admission Test 2020 BMS & BBA (FIA), BA (Hons.) and business economics” is a one stop solution for the aspirants


1.Export promotion is in dispensable for overcoming disequilibrium in 

a)balance of payment 

b)balance of trade 

c)terms of trade 

d)all of these 

2.Burns and stalker model of categorising organisation by structural design uses the term a)functional and geographic 

b)function and organic 

c)geographic and mechanicstick 

d)Mechanicstick and organic 

3.one of the important weakness of the decentralized structure is 

a)suitability in a fast changing environment 

b)difficult in  pinpointing responsibilities 

c)Difficulty in coordinating common functions 

d)difficulty in promotion innovations 

4.An organisational manual is designed to promote 

a)better Clientele for a company 

b)better relationship between the unit in an industry 

c)Better understanding of basic organisation structure 

d)Better information about business of the company 

5.A planned sequence of operation for handling requiring business transaction uninformle and consistently is known as 





6.The type of control that provide a main for taking corrective action even after viability of the program is known as 

a)pre-action control 

b)post action control 

c)screening control 

d)Steering control 

7.The Mechanistic model of organisational design achieve high level of production and efficiency because 

a)of its de-emphasis specialisation and its emphasis on increasing job arrange 

b)it is highly decentralized and informal 

c)both a and b 

d)It is highly complex centralised and formula 

8.when there are large number of smaller project and the activities of this project are to be accomplished by setting up some temporary department the appropriate organisational structures should be 

a)Project organisation 

b)functional organisation 

c)Matrix organisation 

d)division organisation 

9.which one of the following is the major consider for decentralization 

a)organisation environment 

B)nature of management function 

c)size of organisation 

d)ability of higher level managers 

10.which one of the following traits describe properly organic of behaviour structure of an organisation ?

a)wider spans of control 

b)more centralization 

c)high degree of specialisation 

d)taller hierarchy 

11.Centralising the office work is desirable mostly because it

a) fixed responsibility 

b)Avoid duplication 

c)permits better supervision 

d)permit better delegation 

12.social responsibility of business assume considerable important towards 

a)owner and workers 

b)consumer and community 

c)Government and nation 

d)all of the above 

13.The most suitable form of business organisation for the people of weaker section is a)partnership firm 

b)cooperative society 

c)sole trading business j

d)Joint stock company

You can Also Prepare from You Tube Free Lectures 

Link- https://youtube.com/channel/UCGWnK31B5LgnoiEbW5nFqMw

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