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Sunday, March 07, 2021




They consist of the senior most executive of the organisation. Top level management consistsof man. Bourd of Directors, Managing Director General Manager, President, Vice President,Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chley Financial Officer (CEO) and Chief Operating Officer, etc.It includes group of crucial persons essential for leading and directing the efforts of other people.The managers working at this level have maximum authority

Main functions of top level management are:
(a) Determining the objectives of the enterprise. The top level managers formulate the main
objectives of the organization. They form long term as well as short term objectives

(b) Framing of plans and policies. The top level managers also frame the plans and policies toachieve the set objectives.

(c) Organising activities to be performed by persons working at middle level. The top level
management assigns jobs to different individuals working at middle level.

(d) Assembling all the resources such as finance, fixed assets, etc. The top level management arranges all the finance required to carry on day to day activities. They buy fixed assets to carry on activities in the organisation

(e) Responsible for welfare and survival of the anisation. Top level is responsible
the survival and growth of the organisation. They make plan to run the organisation
smoothly and successfully

(f) Liaison with outside world. for example, meeting Government officials. The top level
management remains in contact with government, competitors, suppliers, media, etc.
Jobs of top level are complex and stressful demanding long hours of commitment towards

(g) To integrate diverse elements and coordinate the activities of different departments
according to overall objectives.

(h) Analyse business environment and its implications for survival of the firm.

(i) They are responsible for all the activities of the business and for its impact on society
The job of top level managers is complex and stressful. Demanding long hours and
commitment to the organisation.

Middle Level Management

This level of management consists of departmental was such as purchase department hoal,
sales department head, finance manager, marketing manager, plant superintendent, etc. People of this group are responsible for executing the plans and policies made by topled. They act as a linking pin between top and lower level management. They also exercise the functions of top level for their department as they make plans and policies for their department, organise and collect the resources, etc.

Main functions of middle level management are:
(a) Interpretation of policies framed by top management to lower level. Middle level
management act as linking pin between top level and lower level management. They
only explain the main plans and policies framed by top level management to lower level

(b) Organising the activities of their department for executing the plans and policies.
Generally middle level managers are the head of some department. So they organise all
the resources and activities of their department.
(c) Finding out or recruiting selecting and appointing the required employees for their department The middle level management selects and appoints employees of their department

(d) Motivating the persons to perform to their best ability. The middle level managers offer various incentives to employees so that they get motivated and perform to their best ability
(e) Cooperate with other departments for smooth functioning,

(f) Responsible for all the activities of first line managers.

Supervisory Level Lower Level/Operational Level

This level consists of supervisors, superintenden, foreman, sub-department executives, clerk, etc Managers of this group actually carry on the work or perform the activities according to the plans of top and middle level management. Their authority is limited. The quality and quantity of output depends upon the efficiency of this level of managers. They pass on the instruction to workers and report to the middle level management. They are also responsible for maintaining discipline among the workers,

Functions of lower level management are:

(a) Representing the problems or grievances of workers before the middle level management. The supervisory level managers are directly linked with subordinates so they are the right persons to understand the problems and grievances of subordinates. They pass
these problems to middle level management

(b) Maintaining good working conditions and developing healthy relations between superior and subordinate. The supervisory managers provide good working conditions and
create supportive work environment which improve relations between supervisors and

(c) Looking to safety of workers. Supervisory level managers provide safe and secure work environment for workers.

(d) They try to maintain the precise standard of quality and ensure steady flow of output. The supervisory level managers make sure that quality standards are maintained by the

(e) They are responsible for boosting the morale of the workers and developing the team spirit in them. They motivate the employees and boost their morale

(f) Minimising the wastage of materials and maintaining safety standards.

(g) Interact with the actual work force and pass on instruction of middle level management.

(h) Responsible for quality, quantity of output and loyalty of workers.

The quality and quantity of output depends upon the hardwork, discipline and loyalty or
workers and workers are controlled and managed by supervisory level managers.

Focus of management function at different levels
Any person who performs managerial function, le planning, organising, staffing directing
and controlling, is considered as a manager. The focus of different levels is at different functions
such as
1. Top level concentrate on planning and organising
2. Middle level keep their focus on staffing and coordination.


Regardless of size, nature and type of organisation, all the managers have to perform some
basic functions which are:

1. Planning. Planning is always the first function performed by every manager. Planning
refers to "deciding in advance what to do, how to do when to do, and who is going to do
it. Planning bridges the gap between where we stand today and where we want to reach
Every manager starts with deciding in advance the objectives of an enterprise and how to
accomplish these objectives. (Planning is the base of all other functions of management

2. Organising. After setting up of plans next function of every manager is to organise
the activities and establishing an organisation structure to execute the plan. Setting up
organisational structure means deciding the framework of working how many units
and sub-units or departments are needed, how many posts or designations are needed
in each department, how to distribute the authority and responsibility among different
people. Once these decisions are taken, an organisational structure gets set up,

3. Staffing. Staffing is the third step or fundoiro a InSnager. "it fefers to recruiting,
selecting, appointing the employees, assigning them duties, maintaining cordial relations
and taking care of grievances of employees. It also includes training and developing the
employees, deciding their remuneration, promotion, increments, etc., evaluating the
performance, maintaining personal records of employees.

4. Directing. Once the employees are appointed there is need to instruct them and get
the work done. Directing refers to giving directions or instructions to employees by
motivating them, supervising the activities of employees, communicating with them.
Managers act as leaders and guide them to right direction, so directing function includes,
supervising, motivating communicating and leadership

5. Controlling. This is the last function of managers. In this function managers try to match
the actual performance with the planned performance and if there is no match between
both then managers try to find out the reasons of deviation and suggest corrective
measures to come on the path of plan. Controlling functions refer to all the performance
measurements and follow up actions that keep, the actual performance on the path of

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