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Friday, April 02, 2021

Is time travel possible?


Is time travel possible?

Main always been fascinated with answer of travelling forward and backward in wouldn't it be wonderful to go hundred years back and metre and sisters on travel in future automobiles and gadgets this could be possible by time table purchase the concept of movement between certain points in time similar to movement between different places in space it could be done between different places in space it could be done using a hypothesis tickle device known as time machine in the form of a vehicle owner portal connected distances points in space time without the need for the time traveling body to experience the intervening period time table is a popular concept in philosophy and fiction Einstein special theory of relativity developed in 19 5 shows the time passes at different great for people who are moving relative to one another all the effect only becomes large when you get close to the speed of light some ways of time table could be:

Wormhole: a form hole is a concept that represents a solution of the answer and feel of equation it can be visualised as a tunnel of two ends each at separate points in space time a wormhole could connect extremely long or short distances different behaviour was on different points in time it supported through space created by energy fluctuations in positive and negative direction this fluctuation can each create a curved space that opposes the other interest portal last it long enough theoretically a particle could be transformed through

Comic strings: another theory for potential time travellers in wall something called cosmic strings narratives of the energy structure of entire length of the ever expanding universe these regions left over from the early cosmos are predicted to contain huge amounts of mass and there were trapped the spaces time around them their pros of two strings are parallel to each other wood bend space time so why go roseli and in such particular conferences that might make time travel possible 

Time machine:time machine research often involves spending space time so far that time lines turn back on themselves to form a loop technically know as a close I am like girl the grand national force required to make such a closed time like curve would have to be very strong and menu plating them would have to be very precious these are some of the ongoing studies carried out by the scientist for time table we would all look forward to an exciting life if time table becomes possible

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