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Thursday, May 27, 2021


 If you search on Google for digital marketing salary, then you will know that it is not a big deal to earn five to ₹ 600000 per month by doing digital marketing in India, but for that, you are like that and Google analytics,SEO,SEM should also come because nowadays it The job is in great demand and this job also requires writing. There is no need to be a little capable in this, Digital marketing in your area is a way of advertising a new way, just the marketing which was done earlier in the old way is done in a new way, we call it digital marketing.

So it started when I went to my college. When I was studying in my college it was completely online because the virus has not ended yet. So when I enrolled in my college last year, I did the entire semester online and the Second semester was also going online. In the meantime my friend has called and told me about the internship, I asked him, brother, what is this, I do not know anything about this, so he should give me complete information about it and tell me an app so I tried to learn digital marketing course & to get the certificate. as to become a certified digital marketer. 

It was a 1-month class, out of which 8 lectures were live, now all the lectures recorded, it used to be that when you have time you can see it and you can record the live lecture that you give. Used to go, even if you have left it, you can see it later when you have time. If he could, he was quite good

Then I started doing freelancing, I made my account in Freelancer, Fever and told that I am a digital marketer and I want a job, then I could not find any client, then what have I done is that my father had a small shop on it When I tried ₹ 100, I tried ₹ 100 for the first time. I was afraid that this was an attempt, because not everyone experts to that every room, everyone is illiterate in the beginning, just by doing so slowly, I started feeling myself, I got myself on a line in gradually and I Started spending my money a little bit

I was doing my Bba along with it and when I got my BBA degree, then I also got 1 degree, then I started coming to graduate tomorrow and it was good for me in that cycle because I did a lot of courses during that time I would have tried and had become very good in my experience as well, which then I applied for the job Then it did take me for digital marketing line, although initially, I started to get less number of income but later he slowly started to increase and today he earns a lot.


1.ALWAYS TRY TO GAIN EXPERIENCE IN ONE LINE OF PRODUCT -There are many types of digital marketing, such as you can do on YouTube, google ads, you can do it on Facebook ads, but if you want to experience on one, you can either hold one or you can use Google Ad If caught, Facebook madly like you will get a very good grip on one thing. And you will become the expert of that thing, as ramchordas has said in it, be able to be capable, be it in anyone, in any field, become capable.

2.Start improving yourself, start another line - Whenever you start something, slowly try to change it gradually and do a little grouping in it so that you will be able to become more capable and you will be able to do something better and then slowly pursue it which so much. Look at how you can move forward and move forward because you are working. Keep growing only then you will achieve success

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