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Breaking News

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 When the exam comes, it is always debated in the media due to such disputed statements and causes the anger of many children, the only thing in the whole year of CBSE is to give the result and that too from CBSE. Could not be done

As we are seeing that this year a lot of bad news has come because of Cobid 19 because we have suffered a lot due to so much sad news and one of those who has had to suffer is our children because School is closed since the beginning and children who are taking online classes. In a survey children are asked how they feel about the online classes, then in their feedback, they clearly say that the online classes are useless because they do not understand anything in them, the practical subjects like mathematics, chemistry physics, And computer subjects like in IP,c++ and states that there are some children who have pain in the eyes due to frequent running of mobiles or seeing the laptop for too long.

If we talk about last year, there was a little bit of atmosphere that there will not be papers but it was a little different because already there were 3 papers of children in it, two papers were not held, some of them had four papers. rest one paper is not conducted, then they had given the marks on the basis of rest of the paper which they had already given. Marks have been given on the remaining subjects, but this year is completely the opposite, this year, there is not a single paper held for the children. if we talk about Science Commerce and Arts, science is a little bit more harder and  studied from online it means that it is a matter of flour in poverty

what students are demanding ?

The children are clearly saying that we should cancel the paper because we cannot take any risk with health or selfishness, we are more loving than our lives but she also knows that children Have not readen anything, he is saying that because CBSE decided in the last meeting itself and clearly has said that the paper will be held no matter what you do, but children are repeatedly putting petitions in the high Court in the Supreme Court that we are not saved, the copy is not running, safety is the first thing for us.

will cbse cancel their exam?

No matter how hard the child works, how many twitter are twisted, and how many files are filled, nothing will happen to him, the paper will be conducted because of two reasons:CBSE.

1.they can not give marks on the basis of the number In the eleventh class some children do not do well in the 11th. Every child becomes serious in class 12th and therefore marks cannot be given on the basis of class11 marks.

2.Marks could not be given even on the basis of the number that has come in the examinations taken in the school, because the papers have been online and the children are continuing their cheating through pressing the papers online, the child has cheated and very good marks of the children came and all Can't give good marks to children, yet because children three there are categories which are very brilliant which we call intelligent, some are average and some are Stupid.

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