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Friday, May 21, 2021

Is lord krishna is yadav or rajput ?


सखेति मत्वा प्रसभं यदुक्तं
हे कृष्ण हे यादव हे सखेति |
अजानता महिमानं तवेदं
मया प्रमादात्प्रणयेन वापि || 41||
विहारशय्यासनभोजनेषु |
एकोऽथवाप्यच्युत तत्समक्षं
तत्क्षामये त्वामहमप्रमेयम् || 42
Thinking of you as my friend, I presumptuously addressed you as, “O Krishna,” “O Yadav,” “O my dear mate.” I was ignorant of your majesty, showing negligence and undue affection. And if, jestfully, I treated you with disrespect, while playing, resting, sitting, eating, when alone, or before others—for all that I crave forgiveness.

Before we talk, Lord Krishna was a Rajput or Yadav was there let me tell you that it is the affection of both Gods, so do not have any kind of disagreement that both of them are different, it is because  there is a story of lord krishna when he was the king of Dwarka. When Krishna defeated Jamwant, Jamwant said that Lord krishna please show his , Lord Ram, his avatar (lord Rama promises jamawant that he will meet him in tritayug ) then Lord Krishna showed his Ram Avatar again, if both are the same then stop fighting first and then both of them are different.

It is always said on behalf of the Yadav society that Lord Krishna was a Yadav, but it is not true that he was a Yaduvanshi. Yadav has been used much later, he used to run earlier, he never used to have a surname. In the Mahabharata or in Ramayana or in any such texts, no surname is ever in front of anyone's name. You must have heard as if Arjun Singh has heard, Bhim Singh has not heard, then Surname has come much later, earlier he used not to talk.

Now it is sure that how God is direct to you, but now how will it be known that the people who nowadays come from Yadav after their name, then some people believe that they are Shudra and there But the Yadav society calls itself khhatriya, on the other hand Rajput society maintains the element that even today God He is a descendant of Krishna, but he is not equal, but as if Jadaun,bhati, jadega is a descendant of this Lord Krishna.

Lord Krishna has clearly stated in the Gita that neither I am Yaduvanshi nor I am Devakinandan, I am the Supreme Father, that is God, do not divide them in the name of any religion or caste that will be good for everyone and brotherhood. Will remain and this is the truth. God does not belong to which caste he belongs to.

let see what both society yadav and rajput society have to say for that ?

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